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Member Since:Jul 25, 2012
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After Oil Service Make Sure That It Is Changed
Reviewed Problems of Knowledge and Freedom - Noam Chomsky
Dear friends I would like to share one serious matter related to oil service of Vehicles. Recently one of my relative changed the oil (after 10, 000 km) in hRead more...
After Oil service make sure that it is changed
Reviewed Best Cars in India
Dear friends I would like to share one serious matter related to oil service of Vehicles. Recently one of my relative changed the oil(after 10, 000 km) in hiRead more...
Fuel additives: Good or bad
Reviewed Tips on Fuel Efficiency
Everybody knows that fuel prices are going like a rocket now. So I wish to discuss something about fuel additives and its different sides. Advantages: Read more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on lokeshbse84's review
Some more points we have to see 1.Insurance premium is less for petrol vehicle 2.Maintenance cost I cannot agree the above statement 3.Many of the people take Loan to purchase the vehicle so INTEREST for that 1.40 lac. (If petrol vehicle means 1.40 lac in hand + we will get interest for 1.40 lac Read More...
Commented on sprasad14's review
Hi friends basically the digital fuel gauge have to give accurate values when compared with analog meters, but in most of the hatch back cars it wont show the correct reading. I also have some funny experience with Wagon R K10's fuel gauge
Commented on Saisview's review
Maruti will charge you the less. It's easy to find the maruti's service centre
Commented on drsujithpj's review
What about using fuel additives ? Manufacturers are claiming that 30 % increase in fuel efficiency , if we will get 15 % more then also its good.
Commented on K9702294008's review
Some points about review 1. K10 engine is not a turbo charged engine 2. regarding fuel indicator, its over all fuel capacity is 35 Ltrs.10 lines means 3.5*10=35 Ltrs So 6 lines means at least 6*3.5= 21 Ltrs I hope so , of any other views please tell me
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