One of my MS friend adviced me to write some good reviews related to health.So this review is dedicated to him only.I selected this topic as I find it very informative and it will spread awareness in start reading..
Medicines can be misused in many ways:
1) Misuse by young generation.
2) Misuse by the doctor.
3) Misuse by the nurse.
4) Misuse by medical store keeper.
5) Misuse by government medical representative.
6) Misuse by fake companies.
MISUSE BY YOUNG PEOPLE: This group gets attracted first to all notorious habits.The teenagers most commonly misuse very commonly prescribed drugs by the doctors i.e tranquilizers, stimulants, sedatives and pain relievers.These medicaments are helpful only for ill person and have potential side effects on healthy person.Pain killers are the most commonly misused drugs.When taken in large doses they first produce excitation followed bt depression of the central nervous system(In abusers).These medicines have close association with cocaine and the composition is similar.On prolong use they cause addiction and then the healthy person has transformed to a patient and require rehabilitation treatment.This misuse leads to destruction of the brain cells(neurons) which leads to subconscious type person.less attentive, loss of memory power, negative thinking, depression etc....and the patient cannot live without taking his normal dose daily.If he doesnot get withdrawl symptoms starts appearing like loose motions, vomitting, seizures(fits), vertigo(revolving surroundings), attack on close ones, stealing money/costly items just to buy the drugs.
Instructions to parents:Its good that you keep basic prescribed medicines like pain killers at home but keep them away from reach of children and tell them about all side effects of all drugs.Some pain killers are coated with sugar(citric acid) and children find them tasty like their toffees and they wont ask you before chewing one!
The process of addiction: Our body is very forgiving.It does not complain much initially during the course of its abuse..When a person takes a drug for the forst time-no problem, second time-no problem, third-initial symptoms like feeling of satisfaction, relaxation develops, so the next time person is in stress he will misuse and enjoy pleasant moments.Slowly there is increase in demand for this satisfaction from the higher centre(brain) and the patient becomes addicted to that drug.Now he will do any thing to satisfy his temptation.A sudden change in behavior, increases temper tantrums, dislike towards looking good, sitting alone in dark, talking and laughing alone if noted...please consult a psychiatrist and try to find out if you loved one is on drugs!
MISUSE BY DOCTORS: When the doctor is not sure about the potential side effects of the medicine and prescribe it with closed eyes.I can say the patient is a bali ka bakra.There are many points to be considered before prescribing a tablet/capsule/injection/inhaler/ointment/cream/
> The medical history of the patient.
> Clinical examination.
> Age/sex of the patient.
> Laboratory tests if required.
> All the side effects and benefits of drug.
> Is the patient already taking some medication for other disorders?
> Is the patient allergic to any drug?
> Patients finacial condition(cheaper drug alternative for poor patients).
.........and many more!
Secondly doctors sometimes write in such a hurry that the medical shop man gives some other medicine in confusion of the spelling mistake.The patient is the victim!
MISUSE BY A NURSE: The nurses should be Bsc in nursing and not any uneducated lady who doesnot even know number of heart beats in a minute.In big hospitals educated well trained nurses are posted.When the doctor says sister give this patient that injection..she should know confidently which injection is to be given intravenously(into veins), intramuscular(into the muscles) and subcutaneously(just below the skin) any wrong technique and the patients relative will kick her including the ignorant doctor.So make sure you or your relatives are in a good hospital for treatment.
MISUSE BY MEDICAL STORE KEEPER: They are the main culprits in spoiling young children/adolescents.Its illigal to sell any medicine without prescription of a doctor(Written on doctors/hospital prescription pad with signature and not on a plane sheet of paper).These idiots become doctors themselves and give medicines of their own in their shops.I have seen one such fraud in medical shop near my house..He gives tablets, plus also checks BP, Pulse and temperature(I am keen to learn these from him...haha)
MISUSE BY GOVERNMENT MEDICAL REPRESENTATIVES: These are true well wishers of the patients.They fix an amount with all the medical stores in their area of inspection and give them permission to sell fake medicines(known as nakli davaee).
So when you are ill and taking the best medicine prescribed by a reputed doctor... please dont curse the doctor its your fate!
MIUSE BY FAKE COMPANIES: These are those b*stards who just want to become billionare in one night and they dont care of killing innocent people for that! Of you have any suspicion of such company around you, please do your duty to contact a news paper(dont contact police..they will help them run away in 10 mins).By this you are saving a lots of lives !!
There are many more situations where this misuse/abuse is done....but my fingers are tired now! :-)
If you have any doubts please ask me.
comments are always welcome(it makes me feel happy).