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Member Since:Apr 15, 2006
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Its Great..
Reviewed Timex Watches
I like most people used to see time in my cellphone rather than wearing a wrist watch. I discontinued wearing watches about three years back when the battery Read more...
32 Gems
Reviewed Overall Teeth Care
*Pain in tooth: *1) Pain/ sensitivity due to hot/cold - can be due to decay/ toothbrush abrasion/ erosion/ attrition due to mastication. Treatment - SuitaRead more...
Nokia 7500 Prism
Reviewed Nokia 7500 Prism
I bought this stylish Nokia 7500 Prism last week for Rs 9800/- with one year warranty. Its something unique from Nokia. I liked the looks so much that I got tRead more...
Lovely driving experience in India
Reviewed General Tips on Safe Driving
This review is for the benefit of all those who aspire to drive on the Indian roads(if you actually wish to do so, do it at your own risk!). Driving in India Read more...
Me and my Kitten :-)
Reviewed The Cat
THIS REVIEW IS DEDICATED TO MY SWEET KITTU (not this magazine..) I remember my childhood days when I was extremely scared of cats.I used to think they are noRead more...
Lovely toilets for just one rupee :-)
Reviewed General Tips on Public Toilets
Indian public toilets are a must to see for everyone.... These lovely places are named SULABH SHOUCHALAYA. :-) Five star facilities Read more...
The best a man can get !
Reviewed Gillette Blades
I remember the days when my dad used to shave using double ended single blade like Topaz & Wilkinson Sword.The metallic heavy razor was the only option that tRead more...
Silly looking intelligent car!
Reviewed Hyundai New Elantra
This is my just 3 days impression of a brand new Hyundai Elantra petrol.One of my close friend got it just 5 days back.Yesterday we 3 (me,he & Elantra)were toRead more...
Please consult your Dr ''personal'' guidance..
Reviewed General Tips on First Aid Kit
First Aid kit can save life! But please dont think its just to save life.It is basically a kit to help you improve or maintain your health at home.This kit isRead more...
Some common myths solved..
Reviewed Dealing with Cancer
First of all I would like to tell that cancer can be treated completely.IF:- > The lesions are detected early. > If the lesion is still localiseRead more...
Help out your friends and relatives please..
Reviewed Handling Depression
D for depression. D for disease. D for death. My dear friends please your friends suffering from this condition.Depression is an illness which changes our Read more...
Bhagwan aapki manokaamna poori kare
Reviewed Tirupati
I have been to tirupati 4 times.It is believed that all our wishes come true if we pray there by heart.Tirupati is the district and Tirumala is a small town sRead more...
Fantastic product for all
Reviewed Clinic All Clear Dandruff Oil
I have oily skin and scalp so I am very prone to attack of dantruff.I have to take utmost care of my hair to keep them healthy and dandruff-free. I have trieRead more...
Reviewed Ponds Femina Miss India Contest 2006
I just dont like the critera for selection of these contests! This is true that India sholud also participate in it.There are many hidden/unsolved doubts in tRead more...
Cool cam!
Reviewed Nikon Coolpix P2
I remember the days when used to buy the camera films,buy new battery cells for an occasion.Now I own a cool digital camera which doesnot require the two! I aRead more...
BEWARE !! All M.S Members....
Reviewed Dealing with Repetitive Stress Injuries
I am the first MS member to write a review on this topic.And I know this is going to be very beneficial specially for ADDICTED MOUTHSHUT MEMBERS! Confused? Read more...
Misuse of Medicines
Reviewed Tips on Misuse of Medicines
One of my MS friend adviced me to write some good reviews related to health.So this review is dedicated to him only.I selected this topic as I find it very inRead more...
24 fundas to stay cool !!
Reviewed Tips on How to Control Anger
My tips are my fundas: When ever you are angry or you want to stay cool. 1) Stay away from all irritating people. 2) Watch comedy movies. 3) Log on to mouRead more...
Oral hygiene practice..
Reviewed Dental Cream
I am not discussing about this particular product in my review.I will give stress on oral hygiene maintainance.For a perfect smile,disease free oral cavity anRead more...
Sail over potholes....
Reviewed Opel Astra Corsa 1.4 GLS
Opel Corsa is around for about 3 years but has not enjoyed the amount of success it actually deserves.The rounded styling of the Sail is starting to date now,Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on nash_12's review
I agree with nash.. the movie is a big time waste.. n if u bu a multiplex ticket fot it u will really cry... third class story... no direction... the movie is confusing as u dont kno whats happening... n this movie really deserves half star... if u r insomniac then i recommend u this flick ... enjoy Read More...
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Commented on khorana.preeti's review
Thanks for the warning Miss Preeti.. nice review. Keep writing
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