Selling your old car is a bit of hectic task because it takes to much effort to find a legitimate customer and with suitable prices
so there are some tips on how to sell cars: -
Most important dont involve any broker in between as he make profit thereby causing loss to both seller and buyer
1) .Must check the background of the person to whom you are selling your car .i.e make sure to check his identity card.
2) .Talk clearly about the prices to avoid later confrontation as buyer may argue later to purchase your car as per his preffered budget thereby it will hurt your financial budget.
3) .Plz insist on making legal formalities prior to selling and giving posession of your car like to transfer car in name in name of buyer
4) Make sure to let him completely satisfied about car condition in front of you while purchasing as if it not happened then he may come after sometime and it will be troublesome for you.
5) .Plzz dont sell your car in OLX as there you will not get better competitive price of your car else try to sell on your personal capacity.
so sell but easily.