This advertisement definitely ranks as one of my top 5 favourites.
Firstly, u must appreciate the boldness of the ad showing females making orgasmic sounds after seeing the fast-track wristwatch on the guys wrist.
Secondly, it aims to hit the target audience (young males) at a very appropriate spot - Attracting women and making them crave for you.
I am rarely swayed by advertisements but I must admit - after watching the ad - I myself went to the nearest Titan store and ask for a Fast-track.
For people who are disgusted and offended by the advertisement - with all due respect - please understand that this is the order of the day - sex is not taboo and sex definitely sells - accept the fact for your own good.
For those who have not seen the ad - it shows a classroom where the prof is taking attendance. As soon as a guy who is wearing a Titan wristwatch raises his hand - girls all over the class lustily say Yess Sirr and the guy feels a bit embarrassed.
The message in the end is How many you have?? - I think it means that u are supposerd to collect as many of these wristwatches as you can!!