The scourge of the people at night, be it in the house or outside in the open. The insect, whose sting brings out oh not so many sweet words from ur mouth. Yes, thats the insignificant insect the mosquito. Oh yes, we do have a whole jing bang of items in the market, which reportedly drive mosquiotes away. Sure they do...but when? When its a new prouct. Thoda purana, and the mosquitoes give a damn about the coils and the mats. And talking about these mats..When they r lit, I do not know about mosquiotes, but they surely drive me out of the room Cause if I stay on, Ill just be adding to the Doctors wallet, going to him for a medicine for cold, cough etc.
Honestly folks, if you really want to keep a mosquito out, use the mosquito net or better still, dress urselves up to the max.nothing else works for long. And besides, nets work even in no electricity, and they dop not asphynxiate u