I happened to see the 20 min preview of Thotti Jaya from Mohankumars.com...
enna elavu da saami? 20 minutes was enough to make me think about plots to kill the director!
first scene-->ultra stereotyped modhalaali with ultra hackneyed dialogue yo vengayam, thola thola thola urichu vettu
And everyone including the modhalali calls this little psychotic brat as--> Thotti Jaya ( ta daan!)
I dont understand why he would call both names (Thotti & Jaya). Do they have 3 Jayas working in the same place?
one is called, Kutti-Jaya, another one Jatti-Jaya and finally our brat Thotti-Jaya ?
Its like school days when we used to have 3, 4 karthiks in the same class so we call each one with a prefix
Mottai Karthi, B Karthik, N Karthik, S Karthik
Seri why is he called so? because he was cleaning a Thotti? Adhuvum illa! He is washing tumbler, pesama Tumbler-Jayanu per vechurkalam!
First scenelaye ivalo matter to analyze and research, sure the movie has an intensively engrossing screenplay and cinematography.
And the plot is so unpredictable and so new
Brat turns rowdy
Rowdy falls in love (I think thats how the story(??) was going to move after those 20 minutes I saw)
Is there any hero in Tamil industry who hasnt played this role?
And whats with the name Seena Thaana for the villain(I guess he is)?
Oorukkula aayiram per irukku, but they pick the most commonly used name that describes a cheap politician (even used in the song Sirichi/Sinukki vandha Seena thaana doy)
Everything was ordinary, the dialogues fight sequences, pucha Amateur movie. 5th std school drama thothrum!
They might have as well named the movie Touser Paandi. Chimbus infant character wearing touser, looking like suppandi, Touser pandi would have been perfect!
Its like Rajini-Cowboy(early 80s), JaiShankar-Cowboy(early 70s) movies Thideernu thideernu sambandhame illama edhachum panraanunga.
It was fun writing this review for the 20 mins preview, so it was worth watching I guess