I had made a purchase on this site, 6 days back. I could find the same product with different price against different sellers. I had chosen a seller from my city (Bangalore) even though other sellers were offering the same product at a lesser price. I chose this seller as I wanted the product to be delivered soon. As this seller was from the same city and was offering delivery on next day, I decided to pay few more bucks and get it.
But things were not as they seemed to be. 2 days after I got a mail saying the seller not yet delivered the product. I was ready to go and pick up the same from his store. Thus tried to contact the seller. To my surprise, there was no ways to contact the seller!
When I click on the Contact seller button, I was provided with a number which was never connecting me to anyone or anything. Yes, it plays a recorded message - write to customer care. I tried that. I wrote to customer care, at least 4 times, but in vain. No response. And they dont have a phone number to reach them.
I tried escalating this to Tradus option as well. The only difference was I was getting an acknowledgement message on mobile. Nothing else! From past two days I am trying to cancel my order. For that also the option is reaching customer care. No response! I think I lost the money.
Guys, please keep you away from these cheaters! They dont even bother to resolve your queries. They just steal your money. If anybody knows how to escalate this to concerned persons, or with consumer court,
please let me know.