Hi have been traveling to many cities since I joined job in IT . There were no comparison sites. These have come just some time back. I checked the fare of Chennai - Mumbai on coming Dec 16th 2006 and I got inflated price of Air India ticket.
Snapshots are uploaded. Please see. How many of you ever come across incorrect price issue.
They havent tied up with any Credit Card company to give some offers. Cleartrip has one for SBI card holders traveling on Air Deccan and Spice Jet.
And after having been on all the flight comparison sites, I must say use them for searching but don’t use of making payment. Something good that they have is the Toll Free line for AirTel users. They have some good tour packages and ticket offers from international airlines too.
Added on 14 DEC 2006
I trtied searching flight from Bombay to Varanasi. I couldnt get the direct flight in TravelGuru. TravelGuru has tie up with Indian as well as Air Sahar and both have non-stop flights from Bombay to Varanasi. I could see taht on Cleartrip. It is really strange. And direct flgiht full amount was total 5345 less.
Even thoguh they always give the comparision based on Total cost (including all taxes) and advertize alot on "NO SURPRIZE", but I feel the searches itself are big surprize.
And Im very sorry. I have uploaded snapshots of price received from TravelGutu and Air-India but Mouthshut is showing only one snapshot. dont know why. If you want it let , me know.
Uploaded the Snapsshot (20-12-2006)
Air-Indai Ticket Direct
Travel Guru Ticket of Same flight