Hi Friends
Let me tell u before writing this review.i am not an owner of apache.i have a fazer.
The first time I saw it in a pic in Overdrive.i liked it a lot.Those Superbly Masculine looks & that efficient & Powerful Mill.Really Awesome.
The first time I saw it on road.....Again superbly awesome looks on the front.I really hated the rear.Bike looked like a bit cramped as compared to a 150cc.Engine is very powerful , pick up is awesome & performance up to the merk.I test drove one of my friends Apache & I really liked it.But I would like to tell the TVS people that the bike was not up to the mark in comfort levels.
the seat is really a painful one on long drives as it is hard & small.Also the bike doesnt looks like a 150cc when looked from rear or sides.the front really gives a macho look but rear makes it look bad.The TVS people should really work on the overall body & rear of The APACHE.
ENGINE : A heavily Reworked unit of Fiero now...with five gears.gearing is hard as compared to a normal 150cc.Engine one of the best in india with high mileage figures per litre of petrol.(about 50-55 kmpl in normal driving conditions).Best Pick Up & torque figures in 150 cc segment.
BODY : Looks excellent form the front but rear is one of the worst looking in india.seat is not comfortable & can be painful on long rides.Front tyre 90/90*17" is first of its type on a 150 cc bike in india.(earlier came on a TVS EDGE 125cc).but should have had 18" front for a better ride beacause leaning more on the handle will give more of back pain mostly on long rides.18" rear is good.Alloys are of the best quality.More Curvy & Masculine tank also one of the safest ones as covers both the knees from its curves.so in case of an accident it will prevent knees from injuries with the help of leg guard.Length & Height Small for a 150cc.would have been bigger.Handlebar is good & well positioned & The Instrument Pod is very informative.switchbars are easy to use & Quality, Fit & Finish is Excellent & Best in class.& Now comes the Worst part.The Rear Of the Bike.light looks very orthodox type & gives a very bad look to the bike.Would Advise TVS Engineers to look on this review & act on it.The main reason behind Apache not beating the PULSAR in sales terms is this.Seriously the Apaches Rear Should have had been like a fazer.i am pretty sure bike would have had been a superhit beating the pulsar.
& I can Guarantee that Apache is an excellent performer But it need some cosmetic changes to make it a Sureshot winner.
Apache is not a good choice for people with good height like 5.10" or above.So these costmetic changes will make the bike look bigger & will make a better choice for long people as well.
Thanks for Reading this review.....