Hi, I dont actually own this bike, but I have a cousin working as a manager for TVS in their sales division.
After reading so many reviews on Apache, I was compelled to add my 2 bits of info.
As to everybodys common gripe of a higher NHV (the vibrations) at lower speeds, I believe that Apache is not as refined a product as Pulsar when it was first released.
Im forgetting the exact terminology, but I was told by my cousin that Pulsar was released at "Beta 3" stage while Apache came into the market at "Alpha 2".
This simply translates to the fact that Pulsar was more thoroughly tested and refined than Apache was at release stage. Even if Pulsar had any problems at release, they have had such a head start over Apache, that TVS needs some real tweaking to do to their new product so that it satisfies Pulsar aficianados.
Lookwise, I find Apache to be a good-looking bike, slighlty ahead of the Pulsar and the Unicorn.
So, if youre looking to get Apache, I would suggest the wait n watch policy, which I believe is true for any new product in the market. Dont just go and buy the product based on ads.
If I remember correctly, even Pulsar had ads with bikes doing wheelies, stoppies and drawing doughnuts on the road.
Apache is no different in its ads.
So let the Apache mature as a product. Im sure itll be a winner.
With regards to the engine that is being used in the Apache, many people know that it is using a modified version of the Suzuki Fiero.
What people dont know is where it was modified and how. TVS Racing is the racing arm of TVS Motors. Check out https://tvsmotor.in/racing.asp
As you can see they have been consistent winners. The Apaches engine get its lineage from TVS Racing. The engine that was used for the races was modified in various iterations, for the purpose of racing, of course.
TVS then decided to use this engine for the Apache, which I personally feel is not such a bad move.
So saying that Apaches engine is just a modified version of Suzuki Fieros engine is a misnomer.