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Member Since:Aug 20, 2004
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Education: B.Tech(C.Sc.)
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"Khosla ka Ghosla" - Entertaining the mind
Reviewed Khosla Ka Ghosla
There are some Hindi movies, where you need to keep your brain at home before going to watch it at a theatre. Then there are some like Khosla ka Ghosla that mRead more...
Casino Royale - the way Ian Fleming wanted it
Reviewed Casino Royale Movie
I saw it day before yesterday... Amazing movie and a must watch at the theatre. Some spoilers ahead...... Martin Campell is back to direct another bond movRead more...
Apache vs. Pulsar
Reviewed TVS Apache 150
Hi, I dont actually own this bike, but I have a cousin working as a manager for TVS in their sales division. After reading so many reviews on Apache, IRead more...
2006 - Sify gets Thumbs up 2007 - NO MORE!!
Reviewed Sify Broadband Internet Connection
The favorable review of Sifys services was first written in Sep 2006. As of 2008, the customer service has become worse than ever. Speeds have become rRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on own review
I sometimes think people don't read properly. So I have edited the review again to remove those favorable comments that I had once given SIFY. DO NOT GO FOR SIFY Connection. Period.
Followed vineethvijay , Kaliai
Commented on Alok_Sr's review
It was enjoyable reading it. But surely, as a review you can do better.
Rated on flyingelephant's review
Commented on KarlitoKingboy77's review
What a waste of my time... I'm going to watch D:2 today and will be penning a review myself.
Rated on sujeshn's review
Rated on sandeepdhawan_83's review
Rated on tharun_kilari's review
Commented on titujohn's review
What's with the repetition of phrases in your review??? Keyboard got stuck.... I'm sure your backspace/delete keys are working.
Rated on titujohn's review
Rated on csrinivaskgf's review
Rated on rahuldonti's review
Rated on sarabjit_cse's review
Rated on bharathshetty's review
Rated on kristyhannah's review
Commented on prototype's review
I don't agree with midhun. You see, asianet says that it is offering 64 kbps to the home user which translates to 8 kb/sec. Therein lies the difference kbps is kilobits per sec while kb/sec is kilobytes per sec and 1 byte is 8bits. so there you have it. Also being broad band means that the total Read More...
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