I have been reading all the reviews for Apache RTR 160 FI. I was looking forwards to buy apache RTR 160FI but this is the first time I heard like this.
TVS dealer told me that for an apache RTR 160 FI model you have to keep atleast 5 Ltrs of petrol in the tank or it will jerk below that. Is it true? We even drive it below reserve some time. So I didnt get this 5 ltr funda.
I want to know if all rtr 160 fi users comfortable with that, because you can not keep on looking at fuel level for a better ride. Even fuel tank indicators stop working many a times. I think this is a ridiculous requirement. do all FI engines have the same requirement?
You all talk about mileage around 55km/ltr than 5 litre. Means 275 kms(ie 5*55=275kms) with jerking, thats too much.