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Member Since:Aug 21, 2008
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Education: BE/B.Tech
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Complete 1 year experience with the phone.
Reviewed Sony Ericsson K810i
This is a review of my 1 year experience using the phone. .----------------------------------------------------------positives.------------------------------Read more...
Minimum 5 ltrs for smooth driving!
Reviewed TVS Apache RTR 160
I have been reading all the reviews for Apache RTR 160 FI. I was looking forwards to buy apache RTR 160FI but this is the first time I heard like this. TVS dRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on sam9s's review
Hi Sam9s you have given the best reviews for the bike. I have also been following your review on XBHP.I finally got the bike on 31 evening of march.Covered 230Kms in 6 days.As everyone was not happy about the looks,i would say you wont get unnoticed,looks much Macho than in photos. you mention Read More...
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Rated on Haresh_n's review
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Commented on vipink.in's review
Hi , till now you might have got a solution to the problems,but if not ,here are few suggestions. Regarding your first problem you might be guessing right,change your memory card. well regarding your second problem make sure there is no light source behind the object ,even a bulb or a tube light Read More...
Rated on placidmind's review
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Rated on dj143's review
Rated on chakram's review
Rated on santosh_ku_sarangi's review
Commented on cybernayak's review
please write something about the test drive you had. we can write such a review without taking any test drive
Rated on cybernayak's review
Rated on thunder1986's review
Rated on ARNOLDVINO's review
Commented on ARNOLDVINO's review
that could happen to any phone...any brand....you will always find somebody who think their brands cheated them.....and no brand...no model... is an exception. i think rather than the phone its your service center that's frustrating you. We all expect our phones to work well after spending that Read More...
Commented on harishkumar_bala's review
reading all the reviews,i was looking forwards to buy RTR 160FI....but this is the first time i heard like this. tvs dealer told me that for an RTR 160 FI model you have to keep atlest 5 Ltrs of petrol in the tank or it will jerk below that....Is it true?...we even drive it below reserve some time Read More...
Commented on prab1990's review
i didnt like one thing about RTR 160 FI was that,you need to have minimum 5 ltrs of petrol for a smooth drive(OR it would jerk)...as informed by the dealer.....thats bad.... I dont know if its true...you can not keep an eye on that all the time....we even drive it below reserve some time.
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