Dear All, this is the Second Bike that I had owned. you can read my review on Victor.
I am really unable to decide what type of bike is this.!
Believe me, I have explored the entire mechanics of this bike to the root and nothing except the PISTON and BLOCK size and gear ratio differs from Victors engine. Even clutch, pressure plate, crank, minor kit, oil tank is the same.
Powerful Headlight
Powerful engine
3.good fuel efficiency as compared to power delivered.
4.Efficient braking mechanism with high precise control over the vehicle.
5.Good road grip till the tyres are new. Need to be replaced around 10K Kms.
6.Sturdy and durable chasis.
Faring vibrates a hell lot.
Worst rear suspensions. The mounting angle itself is wrong I suppose so replacing the suspensions dosenot help.
3.Spares quality is very poor. Clutch wares in just 10to 12K Kms. the service people themselves confess this! Crank in just 65k Kms sometimes the first reduction gear too! However the clutch plates cost is around Rs150/-. much affordable. what else can you expect from it?
- The final transmission .the drive chain requires an adjustment from time to time.
5.The fitting screws are not of good quality. they tend to break or lose threads, with application of slight pressure while fitting. I had got the OIL filter chamber Bolt broken inside the GEAR box!
6.The backlash(spacing at junction between teeth of one gear and the teeth of connecting gear) between the final reduction gear and the Drive penion is more that causes the bike make a sound of hammering like khat/Phat! when you engage the gears or you start from a rest. This in turn also reduces the life of final reduction gear and may be a reason for the chain drive frequent adjustments.
Some tweaks that I had done to get this bike working as I needed.
I myself am an electronics Engineer but I love mechanics and robotics a hell lot. I service my bike at my home and have got all the required tools for the same.
I had opened the block piston and the timing chain assembly and had done a timing advance(do not try at home. if unsuccesful, you would never be able to start the bike). That gives me a mielage of 60to 65Kmpl with a somewhat misfiring problem. it also returned me a pickup of 0 to 75Kmph in just 4.5 Seconds .
Had replaced the rear suspensions 3 times, once with the Bullets endurance suspensions, then with the Pulsars(Endurance) and the last with Apache MIG(Gabrel) onces. None of them were susscessful. I think the mounting angle of the suspensions itself is wrong, that prevents the free play of the suspensions in and out.
3.Had replaced the original rear TVS tyres in just 10K Kms( because of severe wear) with TVS Jumbo and that made the bike Skid even on Dry roads with the correct air pressure. So I replaced them with Dunlop ones and they are much much better. Do not go for TVS Jumbos. may cost life.
The parts of this bike are cheap, e.g. Rs 150/- for clutch plates . as compared to Rs 800/-for hero hondas and Rs 1200/- for Enfields!, but then you cant expect more from that. A max 12K Kms.
You can contact me if you require any information on FIERO F2. I have seen this bike inside out!.
I have now sold this bike and havegone for Royan Enfields Machismo 350 CC.
Note: I do not recommend TVS Bikes. Go for Bajaj bikes they have a veriety on ones and also V.Good service stations. But then you are not to far off from TVS. for the best go for Yamaha(low on mielage) or Hero Honda(Costly at spares).
To experience the real power and the real pull. not like the fiber bodied bikes, go for Enfields.
One more information I would like to share. For any 4 Strokes, use Bardhal Petrol and OIL additive. they really change the way, the vehicle performs, I have experienced the difference. You can use the additives as follows:
Petrol Additive(Comes in Blue bottle, readily available at TVS service stations costs Rs30/-): to use this you must require a minimum of 3 Liters of petrol in tank else you would end up clogging Carburetter jets and tappets. More petrol is really recommended. Empty this bottle in a petrol tank containing at least 3 liters of petrol. Repeat this operation every 500to 700Kms. it cleans the Carburetter jets and also the Tappet entrance areas.
OIL Additive:(Comes in a yellow bottle, readily avaliable at TVS service stations Costs Rs 100/-)
Empty the entire bottle into the OIL chamber each time you service the vehicle or after each 1500Kms. Then run the bike for atleast 15Kms. Its required for a proper mixing of the additive in OIL else you may not get the required throughput. It is based on the "CLING" technology that sticks to the metal parts and reduces the friction. believe me I used that in my bike and had the clutch life extended to 6K kms more i.e. I had to replace the clutch around 18K kms.
For brtter results in TVS machines, use the Castrol Power 1 OIL. its very costly around Rs235/- per liter as compared to other synthetic oils. This oil is not a synthetic oil but a natural oil and has a magnetic formula that sticks to the moving parts, has excellent cooling capabilities and settles the gear crush to the bottom of the oil tank thus reducing friction. also Company says this oil last for 3000kms but, I recomment to replace this oil in around 2000to 2300kms. if you are using any other oil, then its best to replace it in 1500kms -max-.