OK - Ill be honest - Its a FANTASTIC BIKE!!!
First why I bought it- I needed a new bike coz I do a lot of travel typically 50 KM a day and I needed a combo of power and milage. I get both in the bike.
My bike is a year old and about 13 500 approx on the dial.
Its easy and comfortable to ride and handles, lots of power and performance
The stats of my bike are
Milage 70 kpl avg best 73kpl - worst 66 kpl
Power - 12 bhp can take on CBZ easily. Will lag behind on initial start but will take on CBZ after 40kmph speed and will easily do 110 kmph top
Good on sharp turns very stable
The addition of improper load tends to affect the vehicle balance at times. So use only OEM eqpt.
Floow the service maual EXACTLY during first 1500 km if you want the famous 70 kpl performance
Tyres are not very good in emergency braking.
Could do with discs for superior braking