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Member Since:Dec 18, 2001
0 MS Points
I am a Bangalorean and a broad sized and broad minded guy Will u need to know more then write to me. You wanna add me to ur trust lists etc go ahead. wide range - from poetry to payasam from bikes to babes from cars to cranks from vedas to video from music to medicine from photography to portfolio management INFACT U NAME IT ! I am intrested in it My favorites being poetry and fiction
About Me
Education: engg
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AWS Architect course on Edureka
Reviewed Edureka.co
I subscribed and attended the AWS program on Edureka. It was a web based program and very well conducted. I had enquired about t with multiple local centers Read more...
Motorola Atrix 2
Reviewed Motorola Atrix 2
Android phone running gingerbread 2.3.6 version. Upgradable to 4.0 which will be coming in 3rd quarter of this year. 4.3 inch screen. Its bigger than the galRead more...
First time at a Tata dealer and Im impressed
Reviewed K.H.T Motors - Indiranagar - Bangalore
I have just bought my Manza AuraABS from KHT Motors. Overall it wasa great experience in hte wau they handled matters, in 2 days from the car reached their sRead more...
Samsung Corby Pro
Reviewed Samsung B5310
I recently got a Corby Pro as a gift and got hooked onto it immediately. Im quite impressed by its ability having used LG Cookie and hten a Nokia n96 . I likeRead more...
Tata Manza AuraABS - Diesel
Reviewed Tata Indigo Manza
Its been such a long time I have written anything here. I just got my new Manza Aura ABS yesterday. It all started off with a quest to buy a new car and it haRead more...
I20 - Really is there any "i" in it??
Reviewed Hyundai i20
I had a dekko of the i20 at Advaith Hyundai on ORR in Bangalore last Sunday.First off the car looked simple a little too simple if you compare the competitionRead more...
Silver Metro - Total Mall Madivala bBngalore
Reviewed Silver Metro - Total Mall - Madiwala - Bangalore
I visited Silver Metro on last Sunday. The place is on the top floor of hte Madivala Metro on Hosur Road. There are two restaurants - Anzibar and Silver MetroRead more...
Indi Joe's Old madras Road bangalore
Reviewed Indijoe - Old Madras Road - Bangalore
I just glossed over another review of hte same place. Im writng about the place on Old Madras Road Location - RMZ Infinity opposite Bigbazar on Old MadRead more...
Herbs and Spices - Whitefield Road Bangalore
Reviewed Herbs And Spices - Indiranagar - Bangalore
Its a old bungalow converted to a restaurant. It can seat about 100 or so people at a time. Location:- On whitefield Road - approach from Fab India shop ita Read more...
Its Sony !!!! W580i
Reviewed Sony Ericsson W850i
Its a long time since I put finger to keyboard. I just bought my new 580i about 3 weeks back. Earlier I had a K750i and its done its job fantastically. Its sRead more...
Mahindra Renault Logan
Reviewed Mahindra-Renault Logan
I am back after a lon gap and found a pet subject to write on - cars.I took a test drive of the Renault Logan in Chennai recently adn felt that my two bits wiRead more...
Mainland China
Reviewed Abhishek - The Hotel - Bangalore
Mainland China is my new favourite. Location Indiranagar just before the start of the flyover. Typical chinese place bt lots of differences. Very high qualRead more...
Zafar the last mughal
Reviewed Last Mughal, The - William Dalrymple
A story of the mughal dynasty in its last days or a story or a few soldiers sparking off a revolt? The Last Mughal is a very well researched and written booRead more...
Big Bazar - Old Madras Road
Reviewed Big Bazaar - Bangalore
I just read a review on BB abd decided to add my own two bits of info. I go to BB on Old Madras Road as its the nearest for me. Its suposedly their biggest sRead more...
Pulsar 180 - worth racing your pulse alongside th
Reviewed Bajaj Pulsar 180
I took a Pulsar 180 for a long ride on the weekened and this is what I ahv e to say . GREAT bike !!! Lets start from the beginning. Looks:- Bajaj has reallyRead more...
Its a Sony!!!
Reviewed Sony Ericsson W710i
Hi all Cant you see my tongue hanging out dripping out for getting my hands on it ???? Cant you see me ogling at it ???? Its gotthe works - all you need in Read more...
The Zen is dead, Long live the socalled new Zen
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Zen Estilo
Absolute cheating!!!! The idiots at MUL stoppeda decent car and hten put a new body on top of another running model and called ite successor of the first. Read more...
Yamaha Gladiator
Reviewed Yamaha Gladiator
Hi All I had taken the Gladiator for a ride two weeks back at the Go karting centre in Palace Grounds in Bangalore. To put is sweet adn fast and simple. LoRead more...
Dhoom 2
Reviewed Dhoom 2
Hi everyone By the time I have written this and you have read this, the movie is gone out of the theatres and am sure all would have seen it. I have seen tRead more...
Umrao Jan Ada
Reviewed Umrao Jaan -2006 Bollywood
A good movie retold but not exactly to the same level as the master. Comparisons are obvious. There was Rekha - the origianl adakaara. Here we have Ash and Read more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Followed ga_murthy , sethshorya
Rated on ps1236's review
Commented on ps1236's review
all nonsense!!! its got a soft suspension the shocks will hit their bottom that is what u hear but waht u feel is very minor instead of being throw around. regarding the vibration ask hte service to check that out i think the service guys are playing the fool. alternately if u have money to spend ta Read More...
Commented on own review
at kudalahalli - near COSMOS Mall , marathahalli
the dealership is on kundalahalli road next to cosmos mall
Rated on abrahameapen's review
Rated on Parmeshh's review
Rated on sarvsri's review
Rated on shyamlalagarwal06's review
Rated on Nik1985's review
Commented on pnranjith's review
hi how is hte space in hte back seat for passengers when compaed to other hatchbacks and what do u find BAD in the car, im asking this cos im planning ot buy a emotion diesel myself in this week pls advise regards Manoj
Rated on pnranjith's review
Rated on petermoses's review
Commented on kvbala11's review
hi bala . where did u buy the car and ho the suspension when going on bad road / pothole ? how are brakes does abs help im asing this cos i need ot finalise buying the manza or punto or linea in the next few days regards Manoj
Rated on kvbala11's review
Commented on sakthig's review
hi im intrested in kowing about hte gear shift and suspension performance as i have to quickly decide between manza and linea and punto a ll diesel version only. please advise regards Manoj
Rated on sakthig's review
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HomeLane Interiors (@HomeLaneMouthShut Verified Member)
kareemahmed611 (@kareemahmed611MouthShut Verified Member)
Sunil Narayan Chitte (@sunilchitteMouthShut Verified Member)
Nishant0001 (@Nishant0001MouthShut Verified Member)
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Ganesh S (@Gani_2912MouthShut Verified Member)
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Prasanna Dommu (@POBox5843MouthShut Verified Member)
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