I had bought victor GLX 125 on 1 Jan 2006. Initially the fuel tank came with out removing of plastic packing. The dealer/Service group has poured the petrol(May be they want to experiment solubility of plastic on petrol) which has lead to fuel chocking with in first two days of usage. I have to visit the dealer to completely clean the tank.(remember I have already happily filled the fuel tank as it was new) .
Later the the Gear case cap found leaking the lubricant and my brand new bike taken a shape of old one by the dust sticked on oiled leaked gear case.This has costs me another two visits to dealer. First one was by attempting to change the seal and later by complete cap assembly. Any how these initial problems have been settled.
But one thing I must spell here. In service center your suggestion are listened and valued as you give attention to your 10 month old baby. They simply listen and carry out what they feel appropriate.
one improvement can be thought of is increase in Tyre size. The narrow and smaller tyre limits the turning and holding capacity of the bike while cornering. This has leads for frequent skidding on wet roads during monsoon.
The Faulty fuel indicator is a ornamental piece right from the day one. Every time you bring out the problem service person will say " Sir we have to completely drain and fix and later you have to top up full". Religiously this has been done number of time and later realized its a kind of buck passing.
As I was no longer interested in spending my hard earned money with R& D effort of the company I have to give up this. Only botheration is from my kid by frequently inquiring me "Papa when this(fuel indicator) Gage needle will move up? . I have to divert him by saying "when u see any noble man in the earth". He still believes in recent science advancement to find out such a wonders.
The glove box fixed in such a way only mechanic can open and close.( imagine you have take out the copies of bike documents on traffic. check.You have to request officials to accompany you to mechanic shop to extract the same from glove box) . **Why dont it can be as easier in other company bikes?
Now about the vehicle, sure it is a good one. never let you down.The power is sufficient to mull and acceleration is decent. Most suitable for city traffic and high ways.
*The fuel economy is around 50 to 52 km pl.
*In general a good bike and needs some improvement .