Sandra Bullock and Hugh Grant create a charming tag team of romance and comedy. Bullocks character is wonderfully PC and hilariously trodden upon (but isnt she always?). Grants character is one of those hate him because you love him guys. When a pushy, head strong attorney (Bullock) finally comes face to face with her enemy and political antithesis (Grant) in one of her lame attempts to save a historical landmark from his wrecking ball, she is offered a job. This conflict is accented by a heartfelt Counting Crows cover of a Joni Mitchell song. Convincing herself that she is only taking the job to satisfy her political interests she realizes they actually make a good team. Will Bullocks character stand up for her community and its history or will she just go ga-ga for Grant and get hitched to Hughey? I wont say, but this movie is light enough to make a cynic smile and just deep enough to give couples something to talk about. Overall, this movie is great first-date fodder and the laughs are there.