I would like to raise a very critical issue regarding your business model. You have been vigorously advertising your promotional scheme of free rides worth Rs. 600 on using the referral code.
This scheme of yours, is nothing but unethical promoting yourself by making a fool out of your customers. I had two free rides worth Rs. 600 each. I booked a cab hoping that it would be applied for my trip. But at the end of the trip, you not only deduct the amount from my Paytm wallet.
But also delete the free rides I had! On complaining to you via email, you repeatedly send automated replies with different names for your representatives. You cite the reason that "this account has violated our terms and conditions" without ever telling what terms have actually been violated! So much for your transparent billing practices! I have heard you doing this to other people as well, today it happened with me.Continue with such malpractices and see your clientele slowly going down with time.