Today I am writing my 100th review. I had some time ago decided on what I wanted to write about should I make it this far.
I may drift here and there with this as there is so much that I want to say and this may be the longest review I have written to date so please bear with me.
I chose to write about the United States as that is where I am from and was born.
I could tell you all the points of interest to see in the states but for those that have been here I am sure you could tell me more than I could tell you as I have not traveled that far. And for those that have not been here there are great search engines where you will find anything you might want to know. I recommend google.
What then am I going to talk about? I wish to talk about false impressions of the states and what we normal people are all about.
First of all let us talk about the President. We have the right to vote yes and help decide who becomes president but in my opinion it all boils down to who has the most money for campaign funds so I do not even bother to vote.
Not one of us is going to totally agree with what are president does, however once in office we have no say in what he decides to do. We can disagree as much as we want to ourselves but that will not change what he does.
My feelings in this matter is that we should stay out of all wars and other countries affairs but again that is my opinion and changes nothing.
I am merely trying to state do not blame us for what he does as we have no control over him.
Secondly we have freedom of speech which I think is something that many countries do not have. However that too is limited. We can demonstrate, rally, protest and so on but we can not do anything that really matters or that will get enough notice without ending up in jail. So we are not what I consider really free in our speech. Even in simple things. If you get mad at someone and call them a not so nice name they can take you to court for that if they really want to.
Americans are no richer than anyone else. In all countries there are your elite that has money and then your average people and down right poverty.
You see things on television about starving children in other countries but they do not show starving children, adults and especially aged people in our country. Some of these people freeze to death in their homes in the winter as they can not even afford heat. Still others die on the streets as they do not even have housing.
PLEASE do not take me wrong. I do love my country but I wanted to clear up some false impressions of it.
Now with that said I want to thank CA for his advice when I first joined. I was writing review after review to stay on the board and he kindly explained to me that, that was not the idea and helped me with other advice. He was one of the first ones to encourage me to keep writing.
I also want to thank all of you for reading, rating and commenting on my reviews. It means a great deal to me.
Many have written m2m and I read each and every one and still can use all the advice I can get.