A very rich looking movie in Tamil, with good songs (june ponal like songs, even though copied fron Blue gives a better performance than the original). These are two good things in this movie.
Here the directors tries to say that, after understanding each other, it is still love, even if they get parted for their happiness here he tells about love at first sight, which is not a good topic now a days........ (from my point of view they should not have committed b4 knowing each other..)
The logic behind the film is very weak. Two different women characters, both are at extremes, which wont be good all the times. Recently I saw sadas interview, and her real character matches this film character ... (i mean the about the little head weight). Cant have her as a partner, will be a life time heck.Tanisha like girls can always be jolly friends for roming with guys, cant marry her either......
So we can take this as a lesson not to have love at first sight , love at first sight is buying a car with out enquiring anything about it, which we wont do........... hmmmmmmm rest all folks