If you want me to sum up life at VJTI, well, it starts and ends in the VJTI canteen. The canteen was the hub for all activities - from outsourcing journals to occasional bird watching. Of course, we had the rarest of birds – the ones closest to extinction.
A classroom jaunt would involve planning on how to appear attentive or how to avoid direct eye contact with the distinguished. The boring lectures would be greeted with the day dreamers, the artistic and the Harry Potters (seated in that order) or the strict with cartoonists and stenos.
The annual fest was more like a welcome vacation, unless you were part of the “elite” organizers. The musical night was probably the only saving grace albeit, a little infamous for its sexist seating arrangements!
What we missed was a rock concert! Damn, that quad area could have easily hosted any big name in the fret world.
Last but not the least. Any review of VJTI is incomplete without mentioning M/s Mhatre (Misal pav, bhurjee), Mama (suttas) and of course, Hazara – that’s where the learning curve begins!!