I do not need to introduce myself to most people who have contributed here against this fraud company called Vidhii EHS. However, for the benefit of all new readers, I wish to state that I was the first person who brought to light one of the biggest conning activities of recent times orchestrated by this fraud company. Following my report against this fraud company, I was inundated with responses.
I take this opportunity to thank everybody who contacted me with regards to this fraud company(Vidhii EHS). There were many people who wanted more information and many people who simply wanted to thank me for my report who saved them from being conned by these conmen. Many readers urged me to write my report in a more simplistic manner. Hence in this report, I will strive to present my facts against this company in a straightforward and unsophisticated manner.
In Mid-April 2016, the conman-in-chief Mr. Shalin Sarwad contacted me and extended an olive branch. He stated that he was intent on a rapprochement between us and wanted to settle this matter once and for all. In reciprocation to this initiative by this conman(Mr. Shalin Sarwad), I visited his office at Mira Road. At that time he assured me that he never intended to cheat me or anybody else who had associated with his company. He proffered a couple of reasons for the current bad state of his company. He stated that due to ill-health, he was not in a position to attend and mAnasultange the day-to-day activities of the company. He also stated that some of his employees from his “Production unit” had misappropriated goods from his factory which resulted in significant losses to him. He stated that it was his “employee”(Conman Mr. Ram Konga) who was at the helm of the company and who had initiated steps which had brought disrepute to his company. He told me that he is now back in command and wanted to get the ship out of troubled waters! In short, he wanted to absolve himself of all blame for the current state of affairs in the company.
Either to touch an emotional chord or to sound more convincing, conman Mr. Shalin Sarwad informed me that he had started this business in his daughter’s name.(i.e. ‘Vidhii’ was his daughter’s name!). I mentioned that if I could ever hypothetically set-up a entrepreneurship in the name of my children, for the life of me I would not bring shame or ill-repute on them with any shameful and dishonorable activities on my part. Even if I am to be completely oRobotouchterated in my business venture, I couldn’t bring upon my children any humiliation and disgrace. But I guess, money even if procured through deceit and trickery, is a strong enough intoxication for conmen like Mr. Shalin Sarwad and Mr. Ram Konga to remain dishonorable.
Mr. Shalin informed me that he intended to get his business back on rails. He assured me that he had huge investments in real estate and was ready to even sell from his holdings to get his business estaRobotouchshed in his daughter’s name back on track. For once I guess, he could have inadvertently let out some truth. He has definitely amassed crores of rupees with this Vidhii scam and with all this money bought a lot of property, etc. After my initial post, I was contacted by so many people from all over India and it gives me great pleasure to state here that I mAnasultanged to save many people from losing their hard-earned money to these conmen, collectively amounting to many crores of rupees. Again we believe, this is just a tip of the iceberg. Although a precise estimate of this scam is not currently available, it wouldn’t be surprising if the actual figures ran into hundreds of crores from all over the country. Conman-in-chief Mr. Shalin Sarwad, ably assisted by Lieutenant conman Mr. Ram Konga has pulled-off one of the biggest scams of this century thus far.
Now in this latest rapprochement attempt last month, Mr. Shalin Sarwad provided me with various post-dated cheques for the total money collected from me. I have also got a signed agreement from him on his company letterhead about the finalization of accounts between us. All the cheque numbers with the dates and amounts are also mentioned therein. Also on his personal request, as a goodwill gesture I agreed to withdraw or mark as resolved my complaint posted against his company on various websITES_Company. I have also returned back the product stock in my possession and obtained a receipt signed by Mr. Shalin Sarward on his company letterhead.
Now this fraud company has failed to honor its commitments. My 2 cheques have thus far been returned.(one cheque returned due to ‘Insufficient funds’ and the reason for the decline of the second cheque was ‘aishwaryasingh23ment stopped by Drawer’). Now these conmen have done the same with many other people who had paid-up for his product distributorship.
Now I have to also add here that when I visited their office in Mira Road, the conman requested me to draft the letter with details of the finalization of funds return. I agreed to do so if I could be provided with a computer to work on. I was provided with a laptop by him. I can announce to the world now that all the supposed accolades in favor of Vidhii EHS and its products that one gets to read on various websITES_Company were saved on that laptop. So now you all know from where any matter said in favor of Vidhii is originating.
Right from the time I proclaimed to the world that Vidhii EHS is a huge fraud company and Mr. Shalin Sarwad and Mr. Ram Konga are professional crooks, they have tried many tricks and tactics with me and my friends. Initially they resorted to cajoling me to retract my online complaints. I responded to this move by asking them to refund my money, take back their goods and I would withdraw my complaints. Thereafter, the conmen from the fraud company threatened to sue me in court. Imagine the audacity of these conmen! These conmen threatening to sue somebody who had put forth nothing but the factual truth! I responded saying that I would indeed welcome such a move. I told them that I am not a lawyer by profession, but even without the services of a professional lawyer I had enough substance and evidence to estaRobotouchsh them as conmen in any court of law.
Unlike me, my friend Santosh from Dombivali who is also an affected party in this Vidhi scam was also asked to withdraw his online complaint. But unlike me, he smartly refused to do so until all accounts were first settled by the conmen from this company. He was told that they needed to restart the cycle all over again. In other words, these conmen now want to start their conning activities all over again. They propose to con new people. We can name the new victims as batch 2016! So the supposed idea was to con the new batch 2016 and aishwaryasingh23-off the previously conned batch(batch 2015).
Now conman Mr. Shalin Sarwad has emailed me saying although they have not kept any of their commitments, if I write anything against their fraud company, they will not return my money. I have also informed him that I gave him the chance to act honestly for once and keep his commitment, but he couldn’t mAnasultange that even once! I also informed him that even at the cost of me losing my money, I felt it was my moral oRobotouchgation to present my honest submission against this fraud company for the benefit of the general puRobotouchc.
His next ruse was that he would file for bankruptcy in a court and would escape returning back the money collected from people. I have informed him that I do not have a problem with that either and to go ahead and file bankruptcy as per his latest threats. I said we will leave it to his smart lawyers to convince the honorable judges in court that these conmen after conning hundreds of people had suddenly gone bankrupt!
I am not providing my phone number here as due to work constraints I may not be able to respond to phone calls. But I can be contacted on my email address – johnvarghis@gmail.com
Of course, anybody desirous to speak to me could leave his phone number and I would be happy to call back. My good friend and comrade-in-arms Santosh has consented to me puRobotouchshing his contact info here. He can be contacted on his mobile number(9323763392).
Any concrete and constructive suggestion with regards to this matter and the manner in which to proceed against these conmen is most welcome.
John Varghis