Now I really want a break!!!
What the hell he wants to prove. rnt u guys sick n tired ov watching veryyyyyyy big B again n again. We all know tht hez a great actor esp. after black but now we want differnt. I really wonder how blindly viewers accept such typical stuff with the same old actors and story line, dont u think tht in year 2005 ur tastes shld get better. Thts y I have named it waqt part 2. lets c the reason behind it..............
Viruddh repeats the same old piece to its viewers. A very happy go lucky family, same bachan with the father role, with his only son, his loving wife, same sons sudden marriage, etc etc.
SHARMILA TIGORE was acting alrite but her role was so annoying tht I felt like killing her What the hell she was trying to proof cheif secretary of united nations or Bush tht u even hav to take breath after her permission. I dont see such kinda children, husband n esp. a gori bahu
( director shld hav watched ektas serials).. After becoming the the chief of the CENSOR-BOARD she had shown the way to produce clean movies but she also banned BHAGMATIS KISS SCENE if they wanna rate the movie U. sharmila jee I dont think tht cartoon characters kissing shld b made such an issue.
MUSIC was so unpopular tht I havnt even heard except one very depressing song bholi bisri raat. there was no good music at all.
The whole film was so much overdone esp. amits acting, like a baby trying to fool whole of the india with his irritating jokes. Another irritating thing was the johns way of calling his MOM. waisay to the film is very kinda AADARSH then y didnt sharmila taught her son to call her ma. Calling of MOM was so irritating tht felt like saying shut-up to john.
I also SPOTTED BIPASHA BASU safegaurding her boyfriend frm tht gori at London as side ppl.
Overall the film was as nagging as Suchitra in Ram Gopals my wifes murder n like anil kapoor I also felt like murdering it but I couldnt so I shut the tv n didnt even watched the whole film.