Before I begin this rather biased review, I encourage someone with enough money and time on their hands to kindly sue Hutch for the kind of false advertising that they are doing abusing that little pug in their follows you everywhere campaign.
Yes, Im impressed by their network coverage.Yes, I am yet to experience any dropped calls, or any other malfunctions on the network.But surely they could have done better than symbolize a Pug for a Cellular Network?
You see it is precisely the same kind of false advertising that irks me off.It is nothing short of hypocrisy.Example: Visit the Hutch Corporate site at .
Ok, now scroll down to where it says How to Subscribe?Notice that it says :Dial the Hutch Care number from your Hutch Postpaid or prepaid phone to subscribe to Hutch Access.That leads one to infer that Hutch must be available on Prepaid.So, off I zoom to the nearest HutchShop and get myself a connection.I follow the procedure to recieve the settings.And I wait.I wait more.I wait some more.The settings must be enroute.76 hours.Hmm, that is weird, this shouldnt take longer than 72, so I call up, Hutch Care.And what do they say?Sir, we do not have Hutch Access for Prepaid Users.Like duh?
I guess I must have visited a pirated website.Or no, hold on, maybe that little pug had finally decided, Ive had enough of wagging my little taily, Im gonna get my vengeance by misleading new customers on Hutchs website.Set the dog free, someone!
Hmm, I wish I had written something like delightful network, with Customer Care that can put a Sprint PCS Exec to shame.Except I cant.The Truth is, and Im a big fan of Lady truth most of the time, Hutch loses on all counts to AirTel.On friendliness, technology, availability.And last, but not the least, abusing poor little pugs.
Needless to add, I dont intend to renew that Prepaid connection on expiration of its validity.Anyone looking for a new free Hutch number?Contact me.Pug abuserz please excuse.