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The Blue Planet
Member Since:Jul 09, 2003
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. Life...Liberty...Love...and yupp ''the pursuit of justice''...but also..*gazing, DXing, IRC, Music, Movies and Philosophy!
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No to Nokia ''-Nokia products:Sexy,Nokia Care: LD
Reviewed Nokia 7600
LDS, you wonder,what is that in the title? Well, that is why you like me will decide NEVER to buy a Nokia product in your life. But first, the attempted seduRead more...
Power to the People.Power to Swades.
Reviewed Swades
Before I commence my review, first, the almost perfunctory CA disclaimer: [The following review, whilst not entirely neutral (It may show certain inbuilt biaRead more...
Veer Zaraa: A brave endeavour indeed.
Reviewed Veer-Zara
The Terminal: The Protagonist doesn't fly, you wi
Reviewed The Terminal
The Terminal Hmm,when was the last time I ran across that title in a work of fiction?Too long ago, and I think it was in a pre Star TRead more...
Hutch:Somebody set that pug free!
Reviewed Vodafone Mobile Operator
Before I begin this rather biased review, I encourage someone with enough money and time on their hands to kindly sue Hutch for the kind of false advertising Read more...
Lufthansa-indeed there is a better way to fly!
Reviewed Lufthansa
Well, yes, Germans arent particularly renowned for their hospitality, but my experience with Lufthansa has been fairly alright.Yes, there are areas wherRead more...
The Times of Ignominy-can be the best again
Reviewed The Times Of India
At the outset,before I really begin this review, trust me when I say, I used to be The Times of Indias greatest fan, at a time,when the paper was brilliRead more...
No to Nokia-Nokia ''Care'' suxx!
Reviewed Nokia 3530
Apologies to old timers who read my earlier review. ->Heres why you may buy the phone: After a gruelling one month search for a quality cellphone iRead more...
So, The Santro is now ''Xing''ier, or is it?
Reviewed Hyundai Santro Xing
For all of you who have seen the commercial, in which Mr. Shah Rukh Khan ,enroute to a surfing trip to the beach, complete with a surfboard on top of his SantRead more...
Tata Indica:The ''Indie Car'' that sails
Reviewed Tata Indica - Diesel
Once upon a time,back in the 80s,in the Indian market, there used to be one small family car:The Maruti 800.And although the Tatas were busy making trucks andRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on norukku's review
Commented on norukku's review
No to Nokia and the 7710!Here's why: 1:Sluggish?!?The 7710 is no smartphone, as anyone who has stumbled into its hanging habits knows.Phones on Windows Mobile,Psion or Linux Qtopia are more stable 2:Yes,she's got the loox, but try answering a call,and you are very likely to press keys using your e Read More...
Commented on mitsi900's review
I was there a couple of days ago.No complaints on my count.I think the staff were rather friendly,actually. The recipes do desire refinement.The pricing can be made more competitive as well.I do hope you were talking of Gulati's at Pandarrs Road.That's the one I'm talking of.
Commented on own review
Santoshi film with big brand endorsements?I think it is sad when you are bombarded with advertisements before the te movie/during the intermission.And now sadly, WITHIN the movie!(Cast Away is a different story, as the entire storyline revolved around a FedEx employee.).Lagaan scores over Swades i Read More...
le how to Construct ideas themselves, but as an 'enlightened evangelical epistle' almost as a consultant.Thankyou, we have plenty of them here. Then,the bad : ->1:Somehow, the message becomes a little lost amongst the chorus of messages regarding empowering India.It actually sidesteps the r Read More...
unate' to have been born poor etc.You don't feel like crying at the system, the people/the politicians.You cry because you cannot do anything.To change his destiny, or the millions other like him.Or can you? The movie says that you can, though it is preferable if you armed with an iBook, (Appare Read More...
The Story: The movie theme clearly talks about empowering and liberating people.It is really about people power.And the movie clearly comes with a 'you're go fly' endorsement from the world's foremost authority on space, NASA.Yes, we know the agency has been in the news for all the wrong reasons Read More...
Thankyou for your observation,Grover, I like to think that Mouthsut gives it memebers freedom to think aloud...None of the members I know in here are paid writers unlike many newspaper reviewers. Besides there is always room for imporvement. Regardz CA
Commented on mihir_parmar's review
->The Nokia 7600 physically and featurewise is more proximate to the 7600 than the Nokia 6600. In fact as you can tell, the 7600 is the artist's delight, whereas the 7610 is a cameraphone lover's dream. Both phones are good.I think the 6600, however is far too 'wide'. Try visiting www.nokia.co Read More...
Commented on arochwani's review
Exactly, and the review is far from being objective.Its like someone has a personal grouch against it. ->The 7650 and the 3560 that the authore recommends are in a different price band altogether, costing upwards of INR 14,000. ->The 3530, now, is a entry level phone lacking some ordinary fe Read More...
Commented on cool_tanmay's review
->Just one point, Marriages ARE made in heaven, but so are THUNDER and LIGHTNING! And also, if marriages are made in heaven, divorces must be, *gulp*, here on Earth?!;) Nice to see you reviews again on MS.Keep MSing! RegardZ, CA
Flown, I think their crew were rather friendly. Incidentally, they fly the longest haul out of New Delhi-12 hours non stop to Toronto, on a lovely A340..
Commented on purplehaze's review
->The movie is rather sweet, but not for MTV brainwashed Mavericks, who only get kicks watching inane Crossover Cinema with sorylines detailing sexual abuse(read oppressed females worldwide Inc.) or the so called sleazy gloss.Puke :-P As for the King, well movies with him will contunue to rake Read More...
Commented on anoopvrnair's review
Who cares if it is Taj Mahal (Islamic) or Tejo Mahalaya(Hindu) or Tajinsensis Mahliyensis(Buddhist) or The Taj Church!!! ->All I care is it is beautiful.It is about a man's love, no not just for a female, but for beauty and art..and a thing of beauty is a joy FOREVER! Personally, I'd hope there Read More...
Rated on shadylinksin's review
Commented on sid_dreamz's review
Well, I don't know for sure, but some of the most beautiful thoughts have come out while people have been in prison. Hmm, you might want to read some books by Nelson Mandela etc. As for the review, nice, but why is continued in the comments section of all places? RegardZ, CA
Rated on mystic-sense's review
Commented on mystic-sense's review
Yupp, agree with you buddy, 'Yeh Tara Woh Tara' are by far the best tracks in the category.Only I found the little kid,is it UN's son, singing all of a sudden in between a bit cacophonous.On the whole melodious. However, the title track, 'Yeh jo Des Hai Tera', itself is not too far behind either. Read More...
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