Ok, take out sometime to read this because it maybe lengthy but extremely helpful to save yourself from misleading monthly bills.
Ive been using Vodafone for almost a decade now(postpaid) and never paid much attention to my bill, just paid them before due-date regularly because it was coming under my Credit limit Rs. 1, 000 but never received a low bill amount till date. Always around Rs. 1, 000. Now Im sure you must be thinking that I am one of those customer who talks for hours & uses internet vigorously and complains when the bill arrives. Well, if that was the case I would be writing this review 3 years back.
However, this issue is not only about the bill amount but the service I got when I wanted to clear my issue with Vodafone, totally harmless right? Something Im entitled to.
Heres my story: My credit limit, like mentioned above is Rs. 1, 000 so I got a alert message & mail from Vodafone on 1st July saying my usage has gone up-to Rs. 812 & that I should control it. Okay, got it. My bill is generated 4th of every month. So I received my bill on 4th July for a amount of Rs. 1, 817(No kidding) Yes, after two days of the alert message I got a bill of more than double the amount! If you add taxes+rental+usage in 2 days it does not cross Rs. 1, 500. I got curious & wrote a mail to Vodafone on 7th(vodafonecare.mum@vodafone.com) where I explained my issue, clearly.
You can view my mail here: https://affafansari.blogspot.in/2014/07/mail-to-vodafone-on-7th-july-first.html
I got a automated reply that I will get a call within 2 days but today is 10th July & I havent received any calls. To make the situation worse meanwhile, my outgoing is barred and since Id mentioned I will not pay my bill unless the matter is cleared I continued being deprived of the basic use of my phone, because now things got serious.
Here are my mails within those 2 days asking for the resolution call: https://affafansari.blogspot.in/2014/07/2-back-to-back-mails-when-i-didnt-get.html
In the end, I gave up and finally called 198 asking the executive why havent I received any call for resolution? The person asked me to say everything again, what my issue which I said patiently and the call lasted for good 20-25 minutes & he apologised that no one had reverted on my mail within 2 days & said he will give me a call back with 24 hours after looking into the matter because even he agreed that was something weird about my bill
And I quote, "Madam your internet usage till 1st July is Rs. 32 & your monthly usage amount is Rs. 645" How can my usage go from Rs. 32 to 645 in 2 days!
Id spoke to Hiralal, reference call no.: 946342216
In conclusion Hiralal said that he will look into the matter closely & get back to me within 24 hours. I told him clearly that my outgoing is barred so kindly resolve this quickly and "call me without fail" to which he said ofcourse he will.(Yeah, right!) Oh yeah and this guy had sent me an itemized bill which I will talk about later
Immediately I got another call from a complaint centre saying weve been informed that you complained because you did not receive any resolution call(which I didnt) But anyway I thought now these people are taking my matter seriously and it will get resolved soon. Here again I had to narrate my issue from the beginning and he said that he will get back to me & have sent a request or complaint or something about this matter.(no use)
Anyway coming back to Hiralal, I did not get any call from him or any other executive within 24 hours!(heights!)
Now, my blood is boiling and the next day I receive a call from Vodafone who apparently saw my 7th Julys mail for the first time and told me he will get back to me. Now Ive lost all hopes. Later what I see is just depressing, he has sent me standard mail, and this is what it says: https://affafansari.blogspot.in/2014/07/last-depressing-worst-mail-from.html
I received this mail on 12th July, just a reminder my first mail was sent on 7th July.
Coming to the most important part, itemised bill. So according to it my data plan was consumed on 19th June(agreed) but then everyday I after that I am using 32MB, 28 MB, 11MB and 10 MB minimum everyday! How is that possible?
And if I am how did I get an alert of Rs. 812 on 1st July!After the last depressing mail I think Vodafone is too proud to agree they made a mistake in my bill & want me to pay a bill of Rs. 1, 817 irrespective of the fact that my credit limit is Rs. 1000 since last one year or so.I don’t understand why didn’t they barred my outgoing when it crossed the credit limit? Waiting for it to reach 1, 800? Or maybe it never crossed Rs. 1, 000!
I’m changing my service provider, no doubt. But still I don’t know what to do about the payment? Should I feed Vodafone’s ego by paying the entire amount for their laid-back attitude or just pay till my credit limit which seems right.Please leave your opinion in the comment box(much needed) & if Vodafone is reading this review, here’s my suggestion ‘Buckle up’!
You can view all my mail conversation here: https://affafansari.blogspot.in/