Pantera started off as a punkish band & migrated gradually to heavier stuff. If you have followed their albums closely
the trend is they are getting heavier by each album.
Lets start off with their Cowboys From Hell >[Ok I cheated cowboys from hell though widely acclaimed to be their debut aint their debut album, they came with some real thrash and I dont mean thrash metal we`d ignore that]
Ok .. wherewas I .. cowboys to their latest offering
reinventing the steel.
For me Cowboys from hell will always be their best album.
But Vulgar is not too far behing. This is heavy stuff people. Songs like mouth for war , fking hostile, walk, this love.. all of em are absolute gems mate.
Mouth For War
A New Level
Fucking Hostile
This Love
No Good (Attack the Radical)
Live In A Hole
Regular People (Conceit)
By Demons Be Driven
This love is their slow.. er well not exactly slow.. but these guys do include in a planet caravan now & then.
Dimebag darrel must be one of the best darn guitarists ever.
A definite Must buy if you are remotely in the metal scene.