Well, typically when you have a Tom Cruise - Steven Spielberg flick coming your way, you are expected to be over awed and be rocked... This movie, plain and simple, doesnt do that...
Now lets look at whats happening here - Intelligent Life forms exist out there, and its their time to bounce back.. Tom Cruise a normal person caught up in such over bearing moments tries hard to take stock of his life - his kid and his divorced wife...
Aliens attack and clear the entire surface and mankind alike but for the Evolution.. Human Beings exist today as they are because of years of evolution and antibodies and environmental symphony.. Well, the aliens dont have that and say - They could catch a cold...
Well, thats exaclty what happens....
Now, the movie per se is pretty good - but the whole expectations stuff leaves you short of being satisfied... But in entirety, Steven Speilberg is doing justice to his objective of showing the strength of the human race...
Hmm.. In the end, its a difficult task to rate this movie.. But I suggest, tone down your expectations and then you have a watchable movie else... You might be a tad disappointed...