Being a fan of Steven Spielberg, I eagerly awaited the release of the movie War of the Worlds. What a disappointment it turned out to be.
The previous reviews have already given you some idea of the plot so I won’t go into the story. I felt the plot ranged between very weak and non-existent. The sound the alien machines made is copied from one of the first Steven Spielberg movies on the same subject. (Back then the aliens were depicted as being friendly).
There are various scenes in the movie that are totally disconnected. For example, in the initial stage of the movie Ray Ferrier (played by Tom Cruise) is shown picking up a shinny stone and putting it in his pocket. What he does with it is never shown. Somewhere in the middle of the movie, Ray’s son (played by Justin Chatwin) goes off for a private battle with the aliens and the next time you see him he mysteriously appears at Ray’s in-laws house? common, what kind of story line is that?
How exactly the alien machines are “killed” is not clear. I think there is a vague message somewhere that they died due to human virus. The only saving grace in the whole movie are the special effects. But even here, I would say the special effects are not so spectacular that you should spend money to see it.
Should you watch this movie?
Sure - If you are bored and got no options or
You want to prove to yourself that Steven Spielberg can make lousy movies.