Survival of the fittest, a rather perfect euphemism for the jungle law where it is neither the fastest nor the strongest nor the biggest that rules the place but the fittest that survives, it is the fittest that rules. Close up onto the world scenario and it doesnt seem to be very much different though.
Just how can one but justify this aggression of America towards its so-called hostile neighbours ? I know taking sides can never bring out the real truth in any argument but then it should not be forgotten that it is only the third person that can decide between the right and the wrong because neither is he the victim nor is he the perperator. It is the frustration of incompetence that has forced me to display my wrath here.
Taken for granted that America has opened for us a new vistas of opportunities, it has promised us and in most of the cases even helped us in earning unheard of, unimaginable riches for our hard work. But then does that mean that America is an epitome of sainthood ?
Definitely not. Does the self-projection of US of A as a messiah of peace hold any water? Its shameful history of unrequired indulgences in 63 internal affairs of other countries in just a short span of 50 years is definitely an anathema. Though given that the American machinery tries really hard to free this world of pacifists like Laden and Saddam, but then where is the justification for the innocent millions killed, maimed and murdered by their precision missiles ?
Just for the reason that US of A is economically strong doesnt automatically make it the big bully, it does not automatically entitle it to don the role of a global policeman. 9/11 was not an immediate terrorist act, it was a result of the pented-up frustrations of millions of innocents thumbed down by the hypocritic attitude of US of A. But neither do I condone the terrorist acts of the Taliban.
How can A term itself a leader if it cannot convince the global community of its actions? Its defiance of the rules of the UN Security council during the ousting of Slobodan Milosevic, Laden and Saddam are just an indication of the high-headedness and arm-twisting tactics of this country. It sometimes make us wonder if it is really a war-monger.
Its hypocritic attitudes come to the fore given the double-standards it maintains in its case and in that of the half-a-century long tussle between India and Pakistan.US of A may give any number of reasons to justify its blatant acts of naked aggression against the terrorist nations but then they are what they are, just laughable hypocrism at its best.
But then why do we need to tolerate this hypocrism? Because it is our needs and our own hypocrism that is forcing us all to do so. Deep down we know however vociferously we may differ with this country, finally for our economic stability we need to turn towards this country. Hunger my friends is the Satan and it even makes hypocrites out of saints.
But is America a complete Satan? Maybe, maybe not. For its beneficiaries its a Saint, for its Victims its the Satan.
As for me it is an epitome of all the human values( but definitely not the humane values ). It is doing what it needs to do to sustain the gluttonous appetite of its colossal capitalistic machinery.
Please dont forget to add your comments. They are really an enlightenment.