At the time of writing this piece, my head is swimming with all the debate on war, my mouth is dry because of the deadly precedent that has been set, and my heart is simply and sullenly silent.
Except of course that this debate is no longer about the war on Iraq, but possibly on Syria, Korea or even, can this be happening, India!
I really have nothing to say that hasnt been said ad nauseum on boards such as these. What is really frightening though is the lack of debate in vehicles of mass media. Reputable, and more importantly, widely read newspapers like the TOI have seemed like mouthpieces of the CIA! Cosmetic dissent is what someone called it, and thats exactly what the media has projected. No serious disquiet, no unearthing of clues as to what the real picture may be, nothing! My main source of informed opinion has, ironically enough, come from fellow message board regulars from America!
I would like to share this with all of you, do let me know what you think! check out these links below. Need I say more?