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Member Since:Apr 08, 2003
0 MS Points
i consider myself a peace-keeper. i have strong opinions but am slow to take umbrage at things people say or do. once i am angry though, nothing can ever change my mind about it. goes with my taureanism i guess! otherwise i'm happy-go-lucky, yet serious; practical, yet emotional; friendly, yet intesely private. yin or yang for lunch folks? or would you rather just keep your mouth SHUT?!. Music is my first love, something that envelopes me everywhere i am , no matter what i do. i'm primarily into english music - alt rock, blues and folk. am now getting into ghazals though, which is a very interesting journey into the minds of some very alcohol and love-obsessed poets! i'm a big film buff too, and as i studied film, i have some pretty serious opinions on them! i also enjoy travel, often taking off for the hills, beach, or simply some interesting place i've heard of from friends.
About Me
Education: BA, MA
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Head Rush!!!
Reviewed A Rush Of Blood To The Head - ColdPlay
Coldplay arrived in 2000 with the smash power ballad Yellow, an instant classic of trembling guitar ripples, ridiculous stargazing lyrRead more...
Back to the future...
Reviewed Irreversable
Like all my film reviews, this one too is a long one! I had a pretty strong reaction to this movie, which is evident in everything I say. Dont take my wRead more...
My reason for reason...
Reviewed Bridget Jones : The Edge Of Reason - Helen Fielding
In BRIDGET JONES: The Edge of Reason, we rejoin Bridget a month after the end of the phenomenal bestseller BRIDGET JONESS DIARY. If you enjoyed the firsRead more...
Tolkien vs Jackson???
Reviewed Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
Its expectations that director Peter Jackson has clearly found himself having to address in this movie. Given that all three films in the series were shRead more...
Slap me, I liked it!
Reviewed Slap Her, She's French
A humid afternoon in Bangalore, I have nothing to do, no friends to hang out with, and no taste for a beer at Pecos. What to do? I desultorily wander into SymRead more...
Gagged Media
Reviewed War on Iraq: Case For 'No'
At the time of writing this piece, my head is swimming with all the debate on war, my mouth is dry because of the deadly precedent that has been set, and my hRead more...
Chica - go away!
Reviewed Chicago
Gaga critics (and some of my esteemed mouthshut peers) have proclaimed that Rob Marshall has reinvented the musical with his filmed veRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on barus's review
Rated on Bhavna's review
Rated on pixie's review
Rated on speedbuster's review
Commented on iComment's review
hey, i really enjoyed reading your review! i've been riding my brother's bullet (350, ie) for years now, and know exactly what you mean in each and every one of your points. imo, the bullet is an emotional trip. adn a great one that lasts you a lifetime. priya
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Rated on rainsroses's review
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