Well I didnt think this movie would be up to much after all the hype and the ads on the tv advertising it was on at cinemas everywhere.They usually give the best bits away on these ads and I didnt think much of what Id seen so we got this and thought it was going to be another fatal attractiontype movie!
It stars Michelle Pfeiffer and Harrison Ford, I love Harrison so I wanted to see it just for that reason as he hasnt made a bad movie yet!!well not in my eyes anyway..and my other half seems a bit to keen on Pfeiffer(but I forgive him:)..
Its a supernatural thriller and those are my favs next to comedy!
The movie starts out seeing Pfeiffers daughter going off to college and she feels a bit lost as they where so close.
Pfeiffer gave up her career as a world class cellist to marry and bring up there daughter and now she has time on her hands.
She is in the attic one day looking though the photo album and gets a bit upset so goes into her HUGE garden to have a bit of a cry(like you do!!)
She hears the next door neighbor crying so she asks over the fence if she is okay but this lady is getting hysterical..she says he will be back soon and starts running around the garden and becoming more irrate!!
So its no surprise when her husband comes back and she runs indoors unconsolable that Pfeiffer is a bit afraid for her, she thinks this womans husband is bashing her and worse!!
Next you see Pfeiffer watching the house next door with great interest!!She hasnt seen the lady since the incident in the garden and is becoming increasingly concerned for her health and wellbeing!!
She is watching one night through binoculars and the next doors neighbor is putting something in his cars boot and it looks distinctly like a body all wrapped up in plastic(agghhhhhh)...
She wakes up Harrison and he is not to pleased as when he gets to the window theres nothing to see(of coarse)!!
Then she starts to feel a presence in her home!!woooooooo, if this were me I would have moved house faster than you could say look behind you..
She and a friend decide to have a seance in her bath room as this is where she feels the presence most and has also seen a reflection of a woman in the bath water!!Nothing comes of this apart from a surprise visit from the dog!!Well timed as I almost jumped out of my skin!!
Things are getting progessively worse and Harrison sends her to a shrink!who doesnt really help but she visits several times to keep her hubby happy.
There are times in the movie when it gets a bit boring but its definately worth a looksie...I wont go into the movies plot anymore than I have already as I have given enough away for you to get the gist of it.
All I will add is, dont miss the last 30mins of this movie as its really is the best bit of the movie..I watched it through my fingers as Im a bit of a big girls blouse!!
I still find it scary to run a bath!! ;-}