Take it for what it is - a convenient book that satisifies your craving to find your what your pumpkin is supposed to be doing each week and month, and then gloat over it if the book tells you your pumpkin is way ahead of his milestones. It does also tell you about childhood illnesses, but to be honest, I had so many baby books I dont remember whether this one was particularly good with illness tips.
I can see, though, how this book can get anxiety-provoking if your sweetpotato-pie isnt exactly keeping up with the books milestones. Remember if this book is making you anxious - only your childs pediatrician and you (mainly you) really know your child.
The main reason this book got my goat (I wont pretend I liked it) is that it assumes a confident, all-knowing tone when it gives out baby advice. For instance it told me (though in not so many words) that I was a wuss because I was not willing to let my baby cry herself to sleep even after she was a mature, independent, six months old. It did not recognize that parenting styles vary.
Go ahead and read this book. It is informative. But then trust your instincts when it comes to parenting.