I bought 350 Elite whirlpool on May 2004. It was runningfine till last week. Last week its compressor suddenly stopped working. Icalled the service center and lodged my complaint . I purchasedthis fridge from Delhi and then shifted to Faridabad. I lodgedcomplaint on 4th of Oct 2006. A service guy from NIT Faridabad visited and told me compressor isfailed. Compressor needs to be
replaced which was under warranty, but he wasasking me to pay extra charge for filling gas in new compressor. I asked himwhy these charges for compressor. The guy told me that as gas has warranty for1 year. When I called other service dealer as well as customer care theyconfirmed that no charges for gas if compressor is replaced. (My old compressorstill has gas and I am going to ask them to change old compressor withoutemptying gas from it) The service guytold me that if you have to change the compressor you have to pay this amountotherwise...
The real problem starts from here, I asked them to changethe compressor, next day no body turned up and I called the customer care andthey do not have clear idea what to take care. When I called the service guywho visited my house earlier he picked up my phone once then on next call hekept disconnecting my phone. Then I called him from my other no and he pickedup the phone, I asked him why he was disconnecting my no. he can simply give mean answer. Actually he has given me no of his so said Boss 6512540 which nobody picks. I am trying this service center no from last 5 days but no bodypicks up this no. The other no is 6512539 which a madam picked once and when Itold her no body picking 6512540 she said try it again. And after that whenagain I tried to contact 6512539 she just picked up the phone and disconnectedit. It happened more than 10 times and I have all the call details in my phonefor this 1 second call. This was their behavior. Customer care also given memobile no of Service manager of Faridabadwhich was switched off from last 5 days. I told this to customer care and theysaid they will escalate my complaint to higher authorities, but till today noaction has taken care of my complaint and I still have junk box lying at myhouse.
I guess there is no connection between customer care centerand service center. There is no communication from any side after more than 100calls from my sides. I am totally frustrated with their service and will neverbuy Whirlpool product and advice all of readers the same. They know how to sellthe product and then forgot to service. I do not know what to do now should I go for consumer court. I amwriting this review only because to aware all of you about the bad serviceprovided by whirlpool.
Will write what happed next in few days