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Member Since:Feb 02, 2004
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Education: B.Tech
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Never Buy Worst after sales service
Reviewed Whirlpool 220 FF Premium Refrigerator
I bought 350 Elite whirlpool on May 2004. It was runningfine till last week. Last week its compressor suddenly stopped working. Icalled the service center andRead more...
Reviewed Whirlpool 190 L Elite Refrigerator
Ibought 350 Elite whirlpool on May 2004. It was runningfine till lastweek. Last week its compressor suddenly stopped working. Icalled theservice center and loRead more...
Worst After Sales service Never buy
Reviewed Whirlpool Ice Magic 400 L Elite Refrigerator
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Rated on amitash7's review
Commented on gouthamecm's review
Go to www.team-bhp.com. You can get answer to all your queries there
Commented on samanth's review
Wait for Fiat Linea. It should be better than both cars. I have seen one at Auto expo
Commented on technator's review
Same problem I faced. Food was ok but very less at a steep price. We had to sit near tandoor , so smoke was coming..So I decided not to visit this place again and sticking to it
Commented on oommenvgeorge's review
How could you have purchased vehicle with knowing what comapny is offering and what featues/ accessories provided by ur dealer
Commented on r3khanna's review
Pls get cluch of you car checked. It might be loose
Commented on joethump's review
I have been to MUL Gurgaon plants many times. Quality check is OK, but when it is shift change time , I have seen lower class employees tend to leave their job half done thinking the problems will be caught in quality check, but as u know quality check is done on sampling basis so there are chances Read More...
Rated on joethump's review
Commented on crazyballl's review
First service is at 1000kms and do get a extended warranty immediatey. Tata cars are prone to manufacturing defets which can cost you heavily later
Commented on main_chup's review
Its copy of English Movie The Apartment. Nothing original in it, they just blindly copy english movies
Commented on rameshgs's review
Pick up is very less. they say pump needs to be replaced . armature already repaired and replaced twice.
Commented on esby's review
I checked for 5-6 fdealers and could not find rs 550 recharge coupen for 2 days
Commented on maheshvaran's review
I have one I guess it is giving between 45-50 km/lt. I am very rash driver
Commented on young_invester's review
Agents gets up to 35% may be more. Now you have to continue this plan. I do not know much about returns. Can you check your policy was having freelook peroiod, in their policy they did not mention 65% cut anywhere(but actually they allocate units for 35% amount) . You can complain to IRDA. check IR Read More...
Commented on nilanchal2k's review
This is problem with all kind of bikes with cols start. Pls ensure to run bike idle for 30 secs before switching off at night or when you use it for last time
Commented on Birla_Duped's review
How many days before you took the policy is it in free look period then pls cancel other wise you can lodge a complaint in IRDA. I am sure you are not given agent discount which is arnd 30 % of first premium it can be more also based on your negotiatioan skills
Commented on oxemberg's review
I had same problems and i returned the fridge back and got my money back after 20% depriciation.
Commented on vijaytejas's review
Pls tell me from where you have bought. I live in Delhi
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