Managers in wipro are famous for making late night working seem glorious for the employee. Promising them benefits which they couldnt get. Most of the managers I knew come from BSC backgrounds. Maybe some sort of caste system running in wipro to only hire, B.S.C level managers and engineering level programmers. When you try to leave wipro, all your colleagues look down upon u making u feel like you have committed a crime for which punishment cannot be decided.
ITs a company of shameful people who can talk behind you about your weakness and sugar coated words when you are around. Even after having the legal notice period of 2 months they wont give the releiving letter until you go to the courts and make sure that everybody comes to pay you a visit. Till then the next company wont tolerate all this drama. I guess politicians are much better than people like AZIM PREMJI & Wipro Managers.