I worked there for nearly about 6 years and left the company in the year 2014. In terms of training and infrastructure it is good. But there is no visible growth in terms of monetary or positions. Too much of politics happening there like any other top BPO organistions. You really need a good PR if you want growth within the company. They will confused you with vertical and lateral movements and move you around here and there laterally without promoting you vertically. During my stints they moved me 3 times in different roles within same process. But expect a peanut for their aopraisal. Even the top performers appraisal was not more than 2000 INR. Besides I feel there is flaw with their Bell Curve rating method. It is still questioned in the industry. Anyway after they shifted their office to Sohna Road Gurgaon from Infinity Towers, I quit the company. Travelling by metro that far from south delhi is not that feasible as they provide only one way pick/drop.