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Member Since:Mar 18, 2008
700 MS Points
I am a fun loving, rookie blogger, intense reader, coffee fanatic, nature lover, guy who likes to travel and learn cultures, people, etc. I hate racists people and people who have lot of attitude. I respect down to earth people of all gender, caste, creed, region and their social rankings. My motto is 'Respect one, respect all and respect yourself.'
About Me
Education: Bachelor of computer application
Food and Drinks: Chinese, Indian, continentalBooks: Classics, fictions, romance novels.Movies: One DayT.V. Shows: FRIENDS, The Good Doctor, The Night manager.Music: Charlie Puth, 21 Pilots, Ed Sheeran, Atif Aslam, Mohit Chaudhury, and many more.Quotes: ''Live and let live, while you live life at the fullest.''
Food and Drinks: Chinese, Indian, continental
Books: Classics, fictions, romance novels.
Movies: One Day
T.V. Shows: FRIENDS, The Good Doctor, The Night manager.
Music: Charlie Puth, 21 Pilots, Ed Sheeran, Atif Aslam, Mohit Chaudhury, and many more.
Quotes: ''Live and let live, while you live life at the fullest.''
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First Smart phone app on which I've earned so far
Reviewed SquadRun
SquadRun is the first legit app through which I have actually earned real money(that I have actually redeemed and came into my account). Champcash, Moocash, HRead more...
Great companion for writers but expensive
Reviewed Grammarly
Grammarly is no doubt the best online grammar checker I have come across so far. It points out spelling errors and grammar(such as usage of punctuations) in rRead more...
Rafting and Camping checklist.
Reviewed General Tips on Weekend Getaways
Rafting and camping adventures are gaining huge popularity in India and the social media(esp. FB), is being flooded with feeds about weekend tour packages by Read more...
Give Shimla a miss this time around.
Reviewed General tips on Travel
While the temperatures across north India are reaching record heights, Shimla - Queen Of Hills in Himachal Pradesh, on the other hand, is battling with water Read more...
Huge Impact on the system.
Reviewed Avira
Well, every computer users need at least a basic anti virus to protect their computers from virus/malware attacks. Most of the anti virus companies provide frRead more...
Too many Ads make it more refractory.
Reviewed Times of India
This review is about TOI app that I recently updated on my phone. I must say this but with the recent updates on their app, the ads on the app have become unmRead more...
Reliable service you can opt for your travel.
Reviewed Leisure Drives
At my friends recommendation, I and two other friends booked Leisure Drives weekend getaway package to Rishikesh, a week ago. Leisure Drive is a TRead more...
Never had any problem with Ola.
Reviewed Ola Cabs
I have taken lot of rides with Ola for last couple of years and never had any problem with my rides that I can recollect. It always shows the estimated price Read more...
Worst WPS tester
Reviewed WIFI WPA WPS Tester
All right, so this app like so many other similar apps is meant to check the vulnerability of your router/acess point and can also let you connect to the vulnRead more...
Portable router
Reviewed Jiofi 4 WiFi Router
JioFi 4 is a personal hotspot from Reliance and is the most portable router I have come across. The main advantage of it is its portability: you can carry it Read more...
Good personal assistant
Reviewed Google Assistant
Google Assistant is a Googles immitation on Apples Siri, Mircrosofts Cortana and Amazons Alexa. The app is currently on #2 for productRead more...
Engaging Trivia Game app
Reviewed Qureka
Of all the Trivia games I play on my phone, Qureka is the best of all. Not because I won one time for a total pool money of INR 10,000 (splitted across winnerRead more...
Good Medical drama TV series.
Reviewed The Good Doctor
The Good Doctor is an American medical drama series, based on South Korean TV series of the same title. It has stars like Freddie Highmore, Nicholas Gonzalez,Read more...
LOCO App lags.
Reviewed Loco Live Trivia & Quiz Game Show
As a fan of trivia games on mobile, I installed and played Loco Live Trivia Game Show for two days. I was not happy with its graphic. The host/anchor is borinRead more...
Expect nice and professional services.
Reviewed RS Images Unisex Saloon - South Moti Bagh - New Delhi
One of the saloons I visited often in Satya Niketan. It offers good and professional services. I have had my hair cut done several times and also got my hair Read more...
Relevant news app.
Reviewed News Suite by Sony
If you like reading news on your phone than News Suite by Sony app is the perfect app that feeds you with all the relevant and current news. The app was releaRead more...
Not an app for my recommendation.
Reviewed Fynd Online Shopping
I installed this app a month ago, just because of its referral bonus scheme. My total referral amount came up to INR 2, 600. The credited amount expires in 30Read more...
Non growth-oriented BPO.
Reviewed WNS Global Services Pvt Ltd
I worked there for nearly about 6 years and left the company in the year 2014. In terms of training and infrastructure it is good. But there is no visible groRead more...
Great moisturizer.
Reviewed Oriflame Milk and Honey Gold Nourishing Hand and Body Cream
Tad expensive winter cream. Not available in retail stores. I tried it as my sister used to order it from an Oriflame consultant. The fragrance is very good. Read more...
Best app to know who is calling you.
Reviewed Truecaller
So far I have not come across any othe app that reveals caller identity like name, location, service provider info, etc. I rely on this app to find out informRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Followed IndusIndBank
Rated on KingRoadRunner's review
Commented on pavannk2000's review
Same here. Waiting for payment. Don't want to waste time if they don't pay. Fingers crossed.
Rated on pavannk2000's review
Commented on own review
It was my experience with the app. I uninstalled it a month ago after I reviewed it. I still play trivia games like brain baazi, qureka and HQ BY THE WAY.
Commented on dasvishal1998's review
It ain't fake. Read my review with the screenshot of my earnings. But yes sometimes it takes time to get missions.
Rated on rashidfahminft786's review
Rated on abrarsaquib786's review
Rated on nikhildhumal9's review
Commented on trickbyabhi's review
ha ha ha. atleast I was able to redeem 3 times (60 rs=6000 coins).
Commented on Priyanka_18's review
i have redeemed 3 times in 1 week. check my review with proof ok. Fashion mission i did fail many times, but L1 to L4 were pretty much easy.
Rated on viewnreview's review
Rated on ellens_505's review
Rated on Livelystuff's review
Rated on rameshkapoor007's review
Rated on honeykoli12's review
Rated on nikhilkuswah's review
Rated on paraskalsia's review
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Parag Bawangade (@aditibawangade111MouthShut Verified Member)
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Raja Rathinam Godspeed (@rajachikkiMouthShut Verified Member)
Nikhil Jaglan (@nikhiljaglan275MouthShut Verified Member)
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Aaditya Sain (@SimplilearnMouthShut Verified Member)
Rahul bhanker (@Rahul48868548MouthShut Verified Member)
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Praveena Javvaji (@Praveena9177MouthShut Verified Member)
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