Were off to see the wizard the wonderful Wizard of Oz.
I never saw the movie. Spent more of my childhood getting my knees skinned. My friend who lived int eh apartment above me had the movie and watch it ALL THE TIME. Drove me nuts.
So when I was spending some time on the net I came across the e-text of the book felt nostalgic and so decided to read it.
IT was really good. Hmmm I dont have the same wonder in a book that a child would have but the book still had a way of taking a cynical adult and engrossing him in a tale where the the people are uncomplicated and honestly good or honestly bad and where the land is clement , uncluttered and beautiful.
The story is about Dorothy, a little girl who stays with her Aunt and Uncle in a house in Kansas.Her cottage is picked up in a storm and is deposited in a field in another world. Dorothy also has her dog with her and they find that the house has landed on the wicked witch. Dorothy desperately wants to return to Kansas and is told by the grateful people whom she freed with the death of the witch that the best person to solve her task is the Wizard of Oz.
And so Dorothy decides to head out into this magical land and she meets a lot of interesting characters and has a lot of adventures.
The amazing part of the book is that there are twists even in this tale.The goal changes and doesnt end just with finding the wizard of oz.
All in all a very delightful book. A very good read.An essential read if your a cynical nut like me.