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Tamil NAdu
Member Since:Oct 26, 2004
0 MS Points
I am a confused soul and I love being that way.I can be intersted and bored of anything and everything. I love reading about anything i have no clue about(this is something recent) so it wouldn't surprise me if i spent hours going over grays anatomy.I recently spent about 5 hours goign through this book that talked about the different saris in india I often have very strange(at least strange to most people) ideas about the world and about how it works.This might show up in my writings though I doubt it as I am never really bothered about stating my opinions on anything. I'm a person who believes that everyone has a unique something that could make them the best in the world if nurtured.So in my eyes the dhobi could be a sachin tendulkar if he worked.This kinda means that I rarely am in awe in the presence of ''great men''. Well thats it about me.This passage is subject to change when i get bored of it. Soccer,Swimming and Running.Basically anything that gets me tired in less than 2 hours. More partial to swimming right now since its so cold outside and the pool is an indoor heated one :-) Right now I'm into reading anything and everything.From philosophy to physics to kiddie novels.Basically I love reading and thats it. I love to travel though i keep putting it off because of work.
About Me
Education: bachelors
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Don't get nervous at the US embassy
Reviewed American Embassy
Id like to keep this review short since I really dont have much to say except for some thingsI noticed at the embassy I noticed this guy in frontRead more...
Front or Top Loading ???
Reviewed Front Loading Vs. Top Loading Washing Machines
Saw this topic up on the site so I decided to put my 2 cents worth... Ive worked on the design of these appliances so I pretty much know what theyRead more...
Why do we love the bullet
Reviewed Royal Enfield Classic 350
Enough and more articles have been ridden about the bullet so that you know when you meet a bulleteer that you will find a man besotted with his bike. But whRead more...
Russia society during the time if Napolean
Reviewed War And Peace - Leo Tolstoy
The book is a mammoth tome.This review is aimed at those who would like to read it but havent had the time or are irked by the size. War and Peace is tRead more...
The thirst for revenge engulfs all else
Reviewed Count of Monte Cristo, The - Alexandre Dumas
The Count of Monte Cristo is an amazing book that portrays how revenge changes a man. The Count of Monte Cristo traces the life of Edmond Dante and how he isRead more...
A book guaranteed to lift you up.
Reviewed All Things Bright And Beautiful - James Herriot
James Herriot was a challenge for me to read initially.I was given the book by a friend of mine and told that it was really good.I dithered on reading it thinRead more...
One ring to rule them all, one ring to bind them
Reviewed Fellowship of the Ring, The - J.R.R. Tolkien
A lot of people talk about how great Lord of the Ring is. I find Lord of the Rings fascinating but I think it should be great more for the effect it created Read more...
We're off to see the wizard, the wonderful.....
Reviewed Wonderful Wizard of Oz, The - Frank Baum
Were off to see the wizard the wonderful Wizard of Oz. I never saw the movie. Spent more of my childhood getting my knees skinned. My friend who lived Read more...
Surprisingly good, nice service, good food.
Reviewed Cafe Odyssey - Panjagutta - Hyderabad
I entered Cafe odyssey by accident. AllI wanted to do was rest my feet. I ended up having cold coffee, lunch and dessert (in that order) and enjoyed the experRead more...
Really good place
Reviewed Bella Ciao - Kottivakkam - Chennai
Bella Ciao is an Italian Restaurant loacted in Thiruvanmiyur next to the Beach.Its only open for dinner though. The nice part about Bella Ciao is that it is Read more...
Nice, could be better
Reviewed Subway - Kilpauk - Chennai
Subways is a nice hangout.You really cant have your meals at leisure though.Its a great place to grab a snack,wolf it down and head out. Almost everythiRead more...
A different twist
Reviewed Cafe Amethyst - Royapettah - Chennai
Amethyst is a coffee shop but not part of a chain like Qwikys, barristas and coffee day These coffee shop chains put a lot into the ambience of the placRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Rated on Cousin2's review
Commented on findkhushi's review
I really liked your review...have to get that book and read it soon. thanks for the review reminded me of this good book that everyone tells me about but one which i haven't read yet
Rated on findkhushi's review
hmm...Maybe the guy thing just has to do with different toys.Girls have way more styles to dress I think a lot of girls can express themselves in the way they dress. THe lack of variety makes it harder for guys.we express ourselves through the other toys we buy.BIg motorcycle, big car, good mobil Read More...
Commented on own review
The US subway is as expensive as the indian subway,In that i mean if you convert the indian cost into US money you come up with the same figure.however they are way messier in their subs here.They keep putting in stuff (not meat) and fil it up.Having a subway here is a messy proposition.With regards Read More...
Rated on dipmgandhi's review
Rated on nidhi1's review
Rated on shaanse's review
Rated on Cool_Raman's review
Rated on aviddash's review
Rated on arvind71181's review
Commented on jumpiin's review
Your experience helps me to never take a credit card from the same bank that has my savings account. I hope it works out well.Maybe its time you got a credit card with a public sector bank.I know there is rarely anything good out of these banks but they don't try underhand means usually
Rated on jumpiin's review
Your comment is extremely useful.You should have made a review on it so more people could read it. However I'd like to clarify on a couple of points. 1)There is no way you can say that a front loader consumes less energy than a top loader.The reason for this is that energy star norms get tighter. Read More...
Rated on sureshmehcnit's review
Rated on Faerie's review
lol, yeah i know a thing or 2 about washing machines.Was involved in the appliance field for some time.Came out with info that is perfect to share on mouthshut
Rated on ms_express's review
Commented on Cousin2's review
Always wanted to visit canada. Does everyone speak FRench? I mean is it a required part of life in all the provinces or do you need to know it only if you are travelling/living in Canada?
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