Hello frnds .! Mostly our world is very courious about the smartphones .xiamo redmi note 3 is an amazing and outstanding mobile I have purchased before! Its battery life was outstanding and make most of the youngsters& businessman to use their mobiles for a long time. It will charge quickly and last for long time. It was one of the greatest sales product in india . Its main feature is it will not hang while playing games, using internet ogera. Ogeraaa. Its camera lens was superb when compared to other Mobiles. Its fornt camera was outstanding . U love it so much . So pls select the mobile which was great in hanging resistance like xiaomi redmi note 3 mobile .I love its processing and fastness so pls choose this mobile with moderate cost .it was simple in design and good looking smartphone .its sound was so effective and clear .it provide a upgradable and features development in future . It can lost for long time if you use safely or rough . It was available from 11000 in india