Still am using this, I never face any problem with this , its low budget great thing, very fast I love it fast, I compared with another many devices, its soo cool I got, & in the same WiFi zone I operate with this another two devices each & every function I got that much fast even apple iPhone 6s & 6s plus cant able to get this much fast, for gaming you can get too much fast & fun with this, at a time you can operate multi tasks, & you can notice that if you already used any your previous pH function if multi time even update then also that cant reach to this one, battery savings only you have to take some care for this, while you getting bellow 20 % just stop your functioning & off the data/ WiFi just put into charging.if you take care this only. You will get cool with this device . About configuration I dont need to discuss you can know that in many ways
Friends request you all I sending this link regards earning more money you just click on this http: // user= 270206 and get signup there another one link will generate regards you then you can also invite your friends for more money.and absolutely this device is got best you no need to think with this budget you never get another device better than it.