Hey Friends... XXX is back... the movie begins with the tag line of a new XXX with lotsa more attitude and lotsa more action... well sadly it falls quite short of the expectations...
The first XXX had Vin Diesel in it who after his fast and the furious fame had shown tothe world that the attitude is all that matters and with a good acting, you have a winner...!!! However, this movie sadly shorts fall even on that account...
XXX seems from the beginning to be an answer to the British Dominated arena of Super Secret Agents... Stealth has been replaced by Bang Bang and Smartness by Guts n Glory....
XXX-2 starts with the same line of recruitment with this time being a prisoner in account who is required to save a master plan to kill/hijack the senate... Well, I cube, an ex -con millitary to the rescue...
The movie starts well with a good action sequence and pretty cool science gizmo stuff... Following which the movie relies on the above to sustain and lags because of no concrete or original plot in the story...
Another major problem is the fact that the opening XXX had a very strong screen presence of VIn Diesel, which is hard to match ... Thus the audience also finds that void of a on-screen persona...
Well, overall the movie is a pretty average run of the mill movie with cliched action scenes and a simple gung-ho stuff...