I bought this bike with much enthusiasm and took every care even till date the 2T oil is purchased from the dealer the inspiration was RX 100 which is unmatched even till today according to me.
I was initially provided with a defective frame and there was an imbalance in the bike I was told that nothing was wrong with the bike and I thought the bike itself is so.
I took the issue seriously when I fell from the bike. The service personnel tried to convince me that thogh its not 100% perfect its 90% perfect I never knew that there is some thing like 90% perfect! either a thing is perfect or its imperfect how can there be a middle path?
I brought the issue to the notice of the service engineer and got excellent response I was overwhelmed only to know at the end that it was an eyewash measure and nothing really happened the fact that I fell from the bike came in handy to them and they started blaming the accident for the faulty frame and not the substandard spare they provided me with! the issue was finally resolved after I spoke to the highest authority in the company after 4 full months.
Now again after 10 months after the issue is resolved I sensed the similar kind fo imbalance on my bike this time they blamed ot on the tyre I got the tyre replaced by the tyre company, the service engineer at the tyre company did insist that the tyre is in a sound condition but he beleived the personnel at yamaha and as a benefit of doubt the tyre was replaced when the problem persisted, I spoke to the service engineer at yamaha and finally got it repaired there was some thing wrong with clutch plates (as told to me) my bike is still so called 90% perfect.. I ride almost for 2 hours a day and those are the worst moments of my day.
My earlier bike (H Honda) was stolen and hoping the same would happen to releive me I am not locking my bike but no thief is coming to my rescue I cannot get rid of the bike as it is not even fetching 40% of the price!!