Just received my orders placed in Yebhi delivered. I am very impressed with my first online purchase experience with Yebhi.com
Website is good & contains necessary information about product sold. The ordering process was simple & prompt. The orders were processed quickly & delivered as shown in website (ie; 4 days).
I was able to contact care quickly over phone/email to know order status.
One more thing I want to add is that Yebhi used their own courier service. This may be a good thing as it avoids the chances of mishaps.
Other online companies totally depend on standard courier companies, who screw-up delivery sometimes.
Definitely this is one of the best online experience I ever had while purchasing online.
Purchased a new item (SAMSUNG vehicle dock) from Yebhi.com
Received the item in used condition. There was no user manual. All the items had scratches etc. The factory seal was broken. Raised a complaint to the customer care & customer care is blaming me back.
WOW. I never imagined this after my previous wonderful experience.
Henceforth I will never recommend Yebhi for anyone!