Yepps Decesnt movie , but I think and this has never been mentioned before that Yes Boss is a remake of a Michael J fox movie named FOR LOVE OR MONEY
So but lets review YES BOSS
starring Juhi, Aditya and sharukh, errrm, .....before u watch yess boss please have a look at that michael J fox movie I mentioned above and if u have already watched yess boss then also watch FOR LOVE OR MONEY.
personally I like both film but emotionally I was more moved by some scenes in the hollywood movie cause michael ´s eagerness to become rich is something I understand wehreas sahrukhs eagerness is a bit hmmm well I cant describe that.
sharukhs perofromance was good, nothing demaning for such an acotr so I guess he just went to the movie like a knive cuts a cake, but I think he sometimes overacts when it comes to comedy.
so I know this revie is not that good, ..but hopefully readable