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Member Since:Aug 02, 2002
0 MS Points
what can I tell about myself,...well i´ve just listed some of my interests on the top,.... .....hmm okay I think Pakistan is the world´s greatest Cricket-team!! Yeah and that i am a student, I live in GErmany, i study Computer-engeneering... thats all folks ;) And guys and girls when i write reviews please comment them especially then when they r not well written and tell me what i could do better,.... hey folks thats a new pic of myself,...had the feeling that my last one was not so good.... hi,..strange i had to register myself again cause for some reason my username was no more correct,.. but now i have the same again,... my interests( once again) : Cricket, football, Movies, Music( especially Desi), goin out with friends,.....I like billard and chess and so many more things..... :)
About Me
Education: Computer science
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Really a super film
Reviewed Superstar
Cast : Kunal Khemmu Tulip Joshi Asima Sawhny Directed by Rohit jugraj U know why korean film are so popular in korea and getting more and more famous arouRead more...
Whut tha hell....
Reviewed Ram Gopal Varma Ki Aag
What the Hell was that.......Thats all I have to say...... the was no effort in Acting no effort in Production Design no effort in Action choreography no Read more...
Nice remake
Reviewed Awarapan
Well no doubt the Korean movie "A bittersweet life" has influnecd Bhatt jee very much when as wrote his script for Awarapan, why do I say that, well watch "ARead more...
Wild west roughness in Urban ruins
Reviewed The City of Violence Movie
City of Violence is directed by Ryu Seung-Wan and stars Lee Beom-soo Ahn Gil-Gang Jung Doo-Hong Kim Seo-Hyung This is a korean film, a country that is showingRead more...
Averge and only average
Reviewed Ten Best Bollywood Movies of 2006
Ok I know my review will not suit to this topic, but since there is no pruduct offered to which my following thoughts will suit I chose this one. All right, Read more...
Good stuff
Reviewed Paki Pop vs Indi Pop
Salam This is well not really a review but a comment to what I am noticing when I see or listen to Desi pop. and for me there is no doubt that Indian pop has Read more...
At the end nothing really will change
Reviewed Krrish
Firts of all some Basic stuff about this film : Producer: Rakesh Roshan Director: Rakesh Roshan Starring: Hrithik Roshan, Rekha, Priyanka Chopra, NaseeruddRead more...
No compromises
Reviewed Family - Ties of Blood
IT happens to me, and not seldom occurs the fact that I like movies which the majority does not like. SO is the case with Family-produced by Keshu Ramsay andRead more...
Reviewed Dus
Okay...... since I was 5 years of age I have been watching movies, and my special love is shared by good action movies.( but of course I also love other GenreRead more...
Reviewed Yes Boss
Yepps Decesnt movie , but I think and this has never been mentioned before that Yes Boss is a remake of a Michael J fox movie named FOR LOVE OR MONEY So but Read more...
What can i say
Reviewed Lakshya
Hello everyone, there is one weakness I have , my reviews about hindi movies never satisfy anyone here in mouthshut, maybe because they are not scientific enoRead more...
Evil pakis, togh indians
Reviewed Zameen
Wooow; what a bad movie HEy I know most of u guys will rate this review as very bad , but I really don´t care, this review is for those who really know Read more...
Want some Struggle..
Reviewed Mohammad Sami
BAsic Info: Born: 24 February 1981, Karachi, Sind Major Teams: Pakistan Customs, Karachi Cricket Association, National Bank of Pakistan, Pakistan. Known As: MRead more...
It needs time to learn it
Reviewed Tips on Programming
I am writing this review cause opinions about this is wanted by mouthshut. I a have been Studying computer-engneering for 3 years, and before that I had no idRead more...
Why not!!
Reviewed Writing Reviews on MouthShut
U cant answer that with a yes or a no, but if u want a yes or a no, then I will say YES, people are justified to write about the Iraq-crisis/war And why do IRead more...
Mehdi HAssan, a review about the singer
Reviewed The Legend Mehdi Hassan: Ghazals From Films - Mehdi Hassan
Am I really the first?? Review : wow,...hmm I thought why not write a review about one of your favorite singers MEhdi Haasan,..what in fact makes me write thRead more...
Just a review
Reviewed Jism
So as I write review only in order to comment about the film and rate it I dont tell that much abiout the story cause if u know the whole story of a movie theRead more...
Stemina and strength, best baller of this century
Reviewed Shoaib Akhtar
1.) BASICS: Born: 13 August 1975, Rawalpindi Major Teams: Agriculture Development Bank of Pakistan, Pakistan International Airlines, Rawalpindi Cricket AssRead more...
Why does my heart feel so sad?
Reviewed Wasim Akram
Why does my heart feel soo sad..?? Let me tell you why, the reason is obvious, there will be a time when We wont see Wasim Akram balling to a nerRead more...
I do reccomend it
Reviewed MRF Cricket Bats
Ok girls n boys now I will not review MRF bats in general but the one I play with.. Before my lovely grandy send me this bat from pakistan I used to play wiRead more...
Worst decision of my life
Reviewed Stownest
PLEASE READ TILL END.. THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS.... Absolutely worthless. Opt for this service if you want to get your hard earned furnitures return to you in damaRead more...
Commented on Kanethebigman's review
HAHAHA, u seem to be very annoyed watching this film, anyways thanks for not letting me waste my time :), Adil
Commented on CoolWater's review
Good review but why do u tell the stroy,..now that i know he will die u take all the suspense ;) otherwise very good review,.makes me watch the movie
Rated on CoolWater's review
Rated on walking_dude's review
Commented on walking_dude's review
Dude,.u r all right to say that some of his new films were not more than ...... but Ram JAANE, Chahat are great movies,..dont underestimate them please!!!
Rated on patenik2's review
Commented on own review
I know sassy girl is not a big hit,..it does not even try to, besides the fat that i like such innocent love stories, its just good to see how true korea keeps to its identity and still gains success, but u r absolutely right saying sassy girl is not a huge film :) anyways did u watch Windstruck-.s Read More...
Sassy girl is good cinema because its a well made stroy with a very korean attitude ..The actors are very good, the direction is very good, no major flaws,..the story is very innocent and sweet, and besides u can see that these actors really do theii jobs so naturally, besides Sassy girl has fans al Read More...
Rated on monbat's review
Commented on monbat's review
Absolutely right......i have also not seen a breathtaking indian movie for years i think,..besides if there r so many great films coming up from other countries why watch bollywood movies except u have plenty of time in which u would like to chill out,..for that bollywood movies r okay,......NEVER Read More...
Rated on r_kantsharma's review
Commented on r_kantsharma's review
Hi, Sure if i was to say weather fast- food-meat or Vegetarian food is healthier i would say vegetarian. Besides eccess of everything is bad. BUT : why do we like salt, well because our body tells us to do so instinctively for we can cool our temperature when needed. Why do we like sweet things, Read More...
Rated on kamini's review
Commented on kamini's review
Hi, U have the same attitude towards Amitabh as my mom has, she cant stand him as she says his days are over,...well i like some of his films, but i would also not put him in an Actor´s ALL STAR TEAM, he is not that good at all, ....but anyway thanks for your informative review --i did not know Read More...
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